The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1329: Want to grab it hard? (1)

Chapter 1329 wants to grab hard?

A word from Ma Xiao suddenly aroused thousands of waves in the heart of Tong Fengzhi. When did Ma Xiao become so promising? The golden sign that can compete with the eight-level monk will not be said. Now, Ma Xiao claims that there is a spiritual dragon to save the glass fairy who is already in the middle of dying. She never knows that Ma Xiao was so in stock.

However, when I think of the personality of the squirting flower, the glass fairy feels that it is not very reliable. There are seven points to suspect that Ma Xiao is in the middle of noisy. I know that even the master of the Red Devils can’t help the glass fairy. Ma Xiao is just a second-level monk. Can he have such a great ability?

The glass fairy does not believe, most people do not believe, can hold the right to death horse as a living horse doctor, everyone's eyes are still cast to Ma Xiao.

Everyone has doubts, but the confidence of the Red Devils in Ma Xiao seems to be sufficient. As soon as I heard it, I quickly said, "Ma brother, what is the spirit, come quickly!"

Ma Xiao didn't know what the spirit was. He only knew that this kind of spirit was not the same. He did not answer the Red Devils, and he immediately handed the spirits up. There is a big gap between Ma Xiao and the Red Devils. When Ma Xiao started the Ling Dan, he discovered that the spirit is extraordinary. The Red Devil is only a dozen eyes. A face suddenly changes color and is excited. It is like a cloud of fire that spreads in the sky, and the surging is unstoppable. In a blink of an eye, the entire face of the Red Devil is covered.

"This...this is..." The Red Devil's eyes were rounded, and every pore in the body was opened, automatically and greedily absorbing the pure aura that came out of the self. Only a moment's work, he realized that with this spirit, I am afraid that after one year, his cultivation can break through the eight levels, reach the level of nine, and even break through the bottleneck of the eight-level environment. In front of this spirit, it is also a breeze.

This dragon tortoise is so precious. With the knowledge of the Red Devils, it is impossible to assess its value. It can only be said that the value of this dragon tortoise, the huge word, is not enough to describe. The Red Devils who are too excited are almost incapable of themselves, and they are all shaking slightly.

At the same time, An Xingquan and Wu Liangpin also felt the abundance of aura from the Ling Dan, and the expression was also full of sorrow and greed. If you can get this dragon turtle, then their trip to the human world can definitely be said to be a lot of money.

"Grandpa, can this sinister really save the life of the fairy?" Xiaomei saw the excitement of the Red Devils after seeing Lingdan, and suddenly there was hope in the heart.

The Red Devils are full of excitement, full of excitement. "The fairy is really a man of Fu Da, life should not be! With this spirit, I believe that in three days, the fairy can be restored as ever!"

"Really!?" Xiao Mei, Li Yexue, and Long Lianping, a few girls, said in unison.

The Red Devils laughed a few times and was about to put Ling Dan into the mouth of the glass fairy. Suddenly he stopped and turned to look at Ma Xiao. He said, "Ma brother, the value of this spirit is incalculable, no matter How did you get it, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money. Are you really willing to take it out to save the fairy without regret?"

When Ma Xiao thought and didn't think about it, he said, "How can I regret it? The value of this kind of spirituality is bigger, can it be bigger than the life of the glass fairy?"

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