The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1339: What else to say (1)

What is better to say in Chapter 1339?

Du Yanfei's words were exported, so that Qin Dong had a good impression on the priests of the Biyue Palace. Everything is afraid of a comparison, as long as one ratio, high judgment. Qin Dong nodded slightly, his eyes stunned to Mo Xielong, such as electricity as a knife, and the mind of Mo Xielong jumped wildly.

Mo Xielong has never been like this at this time, even if it is only a few seconds, he feels like he has passed three autumns.

"Oh... Qin brothers, seeing you safe and sound, I can finally be assured..." Mo Xielong’s words may be from the heart, but in such a situation, even if it is from the heart, I am afraid that others will not feel it. To. Even Mo Xielong himself felt that he had said this at this time, and some of them were out of date, and he added a few points.

Qin Dong snorted and refused. He turned to look at the Red Devils and smiled. "Xiao's predecessors, this battle, how come I come out?"

When the Red Devils saw Qin Dong coming back, a heart was settled, and he laughed and laughed. "That is of course! Your kid is coming back. Is it difficult for me to get rid of this old bone?"

Qin Dong smiled and didn't speak. He walked to the front of Mo Xielong. He was just standing, and the invisible pressure of an instinct was like a wind and a cloud, facing Moxuanlong, and the Anxing right behind him. Good products and other monks, spread out.

Mo Xielong relied on his own nine-level cultivation, but he was able to resist it. The rest of the people were not so good. Even if Anxing and Wuliang were to be fully developed, they only felt that they were more than a thousand. It will collapse, the cold sweat on the forehead will be straight, and the face will be pale in the blink of an eye.

"He... How can his cultivation be so high?" Wu Liangpin was shocked, and his eyes were straight and round, and he looked at Qin Dong's eyes, and he was full of deep fear.

Anxing’s right is also very incomprehensible. I can’t believe it in my heart. Qin Tailong is already very powerful. Qin Dong’s role as his son seems to be not weaker than his cultivation. This is simply unbelievable. Imagine if the father and the son joined forces, who else in the world can stop the edge of this father and son?

An Xingquan, Wu Liangpin is annoying, but Mo Dongxie and the evil dragons teach the heroes to do the same, which also makes Qin Dong resentful. Therefore, this up, there is no intention of mercy, repaired to show!

The monks of the tenth level, even if they are placed in heaven and heaven, are all first-class masters. Wan Peng’s lord Fu Yanshan, the door of the one-door door, Xiao Siteng, is only a ten-level environment. The tenth level of Qin Dong is different. He is the force of chaos, and the body has the power to create, and there is also the power of chaos and the power of creation, which makes him a tenth level, but he has the challenge of eleventh. The warrior's combat power, coupled with the fascination of the world's gods and five dragons, is to make Qin Dong even more powerful. What Anxing right, Wu Liangpin, what Mo Xielong, where can stop the anger of Qin Dong?

Moxie Long’s forehead, his cheeks began to sweat constantly, and the shock in his heart was hard to describe in words. Compared with the last time Qin Dong and his war, Qin Dong’s cultivation has not only grown, but also has skyrocketed. If it is Mo Xielong, barely able to see the back of Qin Dong, then the current Mo Xielong, is not a trace of the spectrum.

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