The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1341: When you drink it, you will be drunk! (1)

Chapter 1341 is a great drink, so dripping!

Not only does Moxunlong feel extremely worried about the situation of the left-handed Yu Yu, but the expression of the Red Devils is also extremely dignified. In the heart of the straight, this young man is a young man, it is easy to impulsive, and he is desperate to move. If Zuo Yuyu wants to plead for Mo Xielong, he can't pick it at this time. Qin Dongfang said that whoever asked for love and died, these five people jumped out, isn't that forced Qin Dong to kill them? But then again, this proves even more that the five young people of Zuo Liangyu are really good-hearted, and they are truly loyal people.

Qin Dong's face is getting colder and colder, and it is getting more and more gloomy. This makes the hearts of all the people in the room sink down a little bit, worrying about the fate of the five left feathers.

The five left-handed feathers seemed to feel the same, and the five young faces were also full of fear, but even so, the five still did not retreat. Unparalleled eyes, staring at Qin Dong, even though Qin Dong's eyes are flowing in the cold light like a knife.

"Left to let Yu, don't think that I will treat you as my brother, you can do what you want to do! I just did not hear you? I Qindong said to do, you do not force me!" Qin Dong’s eyes were cold and his breath was strong. On the other hand, he added a lot of pressure on the five young people. [

"Qin brother, beg you, beg you not to hurt the leader again, he ... he is actually forced to helpless, really!" Yu Cui is the youngest, and is a girl, can not help but cry quietly, It is very distressing.

"What is forced to helpless, this is simply a joke! Mo Xielong is a nine-level monk, in the human world, who can force him?" Qin Dong looked disdainful.

Left to let Yu busy, "East brother, although the cultivation of the master is high, but the generation is not as good as the good, and the witch is the uncle. The teacher always remembers the uncle, and can not bear it, so it is today. This situation, in fact, the leader of this period is really very hard."

Qin Dong heard the words, a sneer on his face, and asked in a faint way. "So, is Moxuanlong a person who is passionate and righteous?"

Zuo Liang Yu immediately nodded, "East brother, the teacher is really heavy and heavy, you forgive him this time."

Left Yu Yu’s voice fell, Lei Dahai, Yi Suzhen, Yan Mingqiu, Yu Cui immediately joined the sound, even the flying can not help but nodded, looking at Qin Dong.

"A good teacher who is very sympathetic and righteous!" Qin Dong suddenly gave a big drink, his face was angry and unprecedented, and he waved his hand, and actually took Moxielong's figure into the air. This hand is really amazing. Who can think of a monk, a nine-level monk, in the hands of Qin Dong, just like a puppet, even weak to such a field, there is no power to fight back.

"East brother, don't!" Seeing Qin Dong's move, left to let Yu Yu scare away, and exclaimed. Yu Cui is even white with a small face and tears.

Feiqing subconsciously wants to bully, but it is stabbed on the spot by Qin Dong, a sharp knife-like look, and can't move.

"Mo Xielong, they said that you are serious and righteous, I think it is a big joke! I ask you, you and the glass fairy have also been afflicted with the comrades in life and death, do you have any feelings? But you are How to treat her? Wu Liangpin, An Xingquan, these two dog things, even joined hands to conceal the glass fairy, forced the glass fairy to have almost no place to stand, now it is even more to be executed by them in public, this is what a shameful shame If you are really serious and serious, you will watch all this happen, but you are indifferent? I am!" Qin Dong word like a knife, straight to the heart of Mo Xielong, Mo Xielong's expression on the spot was defeated.

Left to Yu, Fei Qing and others listened to the words of Qin Dong, can not help but silence, cold sweat.

"I will ask you again! If it wasn't me, you would have died in the hands of the dark unicorned woman. How can I be your savior? How can you repay my life-saving grace? If I am today If it can't be rushed back in time, will Xiao's predecessors die in your hands? Isn't Tiandao Mengqun a servant who is too much a slave, to be a cannon fodder for them? If you really want to be serious, you will do it. Out of these ungrateful scams? If you know that you are such a person, I might as well save the dog! I love you? Hahaha... I think you are a beast that is not as good as a beast!"

"Hey!" Qin Dong's words, in Mo Xielong, as straight as the thunder, more terrible than Qin Dong's palm, Mo Xielong body trembled, spurting a blood arrow.

Killing people! In the presence of so many people, Qin Dong is such a pile, one piece, angering the crimes of Moxie Long, it is simply cutting his heart and lungs, and killing him more cruelly.

Qin Dong did not want this, but Mo Xielong’s actions were really disappointing. If Moxuanlong, the nine-level monk, cannot benefit the people's world, it will become a scourge. Then Qin Dong will kill him, and he will not hesitate.

"East brother, I beg you, don't say it again, don't say it again..." Zuo Liangyu saw the look of Mo Xielong, his heart hurt like a knife, crying and shouting.

Qin Dong did not care at all, and his eyes roared with Mo Xielong, and he shouted and said, "And, for decades, you have been calling for the rain in the human world, and you are deeply loved by the people of the mainland. They worship you as gods. Respectful and respectful to you, only life is from. Even for their biological parents, they are not worthy of you. So many people in the world have placed so much hope on you, but you are How is it for them? Because you are a disciple of Taiyi, it is unclear, black and white is not divided, for the tiger to swear, help for abuse, I want to ask you, you Moxielong put this people in the world, where are you? You can afford Do they worship and believe in you? Are you worthy?"

"Qindong brothers, I am not as good as the evil spirits pigs and dogs, even the animals are not worthy! You killed me, kill me!" Qin Dong's questioning, asked Moxuanlong to be a good drink, recalling his own months. As a result, I am ashamed to die, but I can’t just kill myself on the spot.

"Killing you? It's too easy. It's just a little effort for me!" Qin Dong screamed, his palms swelled, and Moxielong's chest was hit by a thunder, even squirting three blood arrows, straightening the earth. . [

"No! Can't kill the leader, Dong Ge, can't!" Left let Yu exclaimed, suddenly rushed forward and hugged Qin Dong's leg.

"Let Yu, this person is not worthy of your pleading for him, get up!" Qin Dong has no good face for Fei Qing and others, but he is not worried about Zuo Yu Yu, pulling his arm and taking him from The ground is hard to get up.

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