The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1342: Let go! (2)

Wu Liangpin really felt the fear, he thought of escape. As for the identity, reputation, he has not fully taken care of it at this time.

"Qindong brothers, let Yu Yu are still young, not sensible, I only hope that you do not want to be angry with them because of me." Mo Xielong looked to Qin Dong, very sincere.

"Of course not! Let Yu, let's go first." Qin Dong patted the shoulder of Zuo Zhiyu, and the anger seemed to disappear in an instant, with a look and a smile.

Seeing Qin Dong’s smile like a spring breeze, Zuo Liang’s heart instinctively cheered up, no matter what Moxie Long frequently sent to him to stop the eyes, the courageous road “East brother, the leader already knows the wrong, you As for the large number of adults, let him go?"

Mo Xielong has just relaxed his mind, fierce and tight, just want to rush forward and give the left to let the feathers slap a few slaps, this child too does not let him worry, how is it so stupid, so embarrassing? However, Mo Xielong is really reluctant. A good boy like Zuo Zhiyu, where is he going to find it? [

However, what excites Mo Xielong is that Zuo Zhiyu’s ‘stubborn’ did not bring Qin Dong’s anger again. Qin Dong just looked at him quietly, his look calm, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Qin Dong’s attitude immediately made the flies, felled down, asked empty, and the three guards of the evil dragons of He Sanjin were excited and excited. Intuition told them that Qin Dong was already soft. However, they did not dare to speak. They were afraid of saying something wrong, and they re-invited Qin Dong’s anger. Although sad, they must admit that, now, their position in Qin Dong’s mind has already been as good as left.

They themselves were afraid of causing Qin Dong to hate, but they did not dare to talk indiscriminately, but they turned their eyes to the left and let them pay attention to them, encouraging them to fight iron and save Moxielong.

Received the eyes of a few people who flew in love, the three young people left to let the feathers are more uplifting, surrounded by Qin Dong, took turns, or pleaded, or spoiled, or swayed, and turned the group of Qin Dongyu.

The five people sought tightness, but did not know that Qin Dong actually did not intend to kill Moxielong from the beginning. Very simple, Mo Xielong is a personal thing, but also a personal talent. Even if he is guilty of a big mistake, Qin Dong is reluctant to kill him. Today, the human world is the time to use people, let alone the top like Moxielong. Master? However, Mo Xielong’s attitude towards Taiyi’s door made Qin Dong very dissatisfied. It is simply foolish! If you don't completely interrupt the entanglement between him and Taiyi, Mo Xielong will make the same mistake in the future. Sometimes, the drums have to be hammered!

"If you want me not to kill Moxuanlong, you can." Qin Dong was silent for a long while, and suddenly he said a word.

This sentence fell to the left of Yu Yu, Fei Qing and other people's ears, straight than the Scorpio, even Mo Xielong could not help but look at Qin Dong. In this year, it is extremely difficult to cultivate to the level of nine. It’s hard to reach this realm and understand more of the world’s righteousness. Moxuanlong certainly doesn’t want to die!

"East brother, you... have you agreed to let go of the leader?" Zuo Liangyu was too excited and excited, and his voice once shivered slightly.

Qin Dong nodded and looked at Mo Xielong with a look of dignity. Shen Shen said, "I can let him go, but he must make a redemption!"

Zuo Liang Yu and others have closed their mouths and know that it is time for Mo Xielong to speak. Mo Xielong took a deep breath and only slowly said, "Qindong brothers, you just yelled at my voice, word by word, like a head-sucking drink, vibrate and worry! You are right, I think it’s awkward, affectionate Righteousness is actually narrow and selfish, right and wrong, ridiculous. You wake me up, and I know that I am wrong. If the Qindong brothers can give me another chance, I will definitely make a sin, for this. The hundreds of millions of people on the mainland of the human world have died!"

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