The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1348: Breaking the sky! (1)

Chapter 1348 is broken!

Qin Dong’s painstaking efforts not only awakened Mo Xielong, but also awakened those monks who were tempted by the light of one door. While they witnessed the shameless and unrighteousness shown by Wu Liangpin, they were completely disappointed with Taiyimen. Wu Liangpin is a high-rise of Taiyimen. It is still so, which reflects the overall doorstep of Taiyi. As Qin Dong said, once they join Taiyi, what can they do besides making cannon fodder?

Those monks who were originally threatened by witchcraft and had to return to it were even more sighed. Too one door is indeed a powerful force, but their sphere of influence, after all, is in heaven and heaven, but it is beyond the reach of the human world. Now there is a strong Qin Dong as their commander. What are they terrible?

As a result, Qin Dong’s purpose was completely achieved, and the effect was better than he expected. Hundreds of monks, instantly returning to the heart, the human world has once again become unified, and after experiencing this catastrophe, it is like experiencing a profound ideological transformation, which will surely be the unity of the human world and become more solid and tenacious.

The Red Devils watched the situation change, and their ecstasy was hard to say. They were even more admirable about Qin Dong’s skills and means. Such a complicated and pessimistic situation, Qin Dong can be so easily resolved, if not seen by his own eyes, he can not believe. [

"Want to escape? Not so easy!" When the Red Devil's exuberant eyes circulated, he suddenly went to Anxing's sturdy and sloppy retreat, and immediately understood his mind. In the minds of the Red Devils, Anxing’s power is even more abhorrent than Wuliang. Counting the glass fairy, trapping the Tiandao League, all of this is the right of Anxing. Most of the bad ideas are from his calculations. So evil thieves can easily let go? The Red Devils screamed and screamed, and they rushed to the Anxing Power.

Now that the general trend has stabilized, the hearts of the Red Devils are also determined. In such a mood, it is naturally fierce and decisive, without any delay, and the power is extremely fierce. Anxing’s right screamed, and quickly rushed back to hand out three palms, slightly blocking the red devil’s coming, and his body quickly leaping sideways. At the same time, he sipped “everyone took the shot and gave me this thief!”

Although the buzz of Anxing’s power is loud, there are few respondents. Not only did no one come up to make a clearance for him, but most people chose to shun three feet, and the Anxing right was even more exposed to the attack range of the Red Devils, and did not want to be his scum.

Anxing’s self-defeating from the human world was the first time he was faced with this situation that was almost completely out of control, and he was shocked. Only then did he realize that Qin Dong’s means not only affected the monks who had been forced to win by Wu Liangpin, but also affected him.

An Xingquan could not help but hit three shudders, and he felt the horror of Qindong.

Compared with the horror of Anxing, the confidence of the Red Devils is skyrocketing. He laughs and says, "Anxing, you are already rebellious, but you are not swearing?" The forced Anxing Quandong hides in Tibet, and his body shape is full of wolverines.

"Ha ha ha ... enjoyable! enjoyable!" The Red Devils have accumulated a lot of anger in the chest in the past few months. With this madness and slashing, they have been released in full, and then see the arrogance of the martial arts. At this time, it is like a street mouse, and it is naturally very enjoyable to escape.

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