The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1349: Break the idea of ​​a ruler! (2)

"Qin Dong, you are indeed awesome, but you want to kill me Anxing, you have not the ability." An Xingquan waved the broken feet, arrogant and proud.

"Fu Yanshan is really willing to pay the cost, and he will hand over the broken ruler. If he knows, the shock of the Wanpeng help is in the hands of my Qin Dong, I don't know what kind of reaction will happen." The East ignored the arrogance of An Xingquan, and smiled coldly and said faintly.

"I didn't get it wrong? Is your kid crazy? This is a broken ruler to stop killing God, and the Buddha is blocking the killing of Buddha. How powerful is it! Who do you think you are, it is a joke! "Anxing Quan listened to his eyebrows and stood up straight, and regarded Qin Dong as an ignorant child.

Mo Xielong did not expect Qin Dong to be so bold, even the idea of ​​breaking the sky, watching Qin Dong's eyes is like watching a monster.

There is a story in heaven and heaven that is about Fuyanshan. When Fu Yanshan just debuted, the repair was not outstanding, but I didn't know that I got a broken foot from there. Fu Yanshan, who was holding a broken ruler, had independently challenged three eight-level monks who had taken away from his hands when he was only a five-level monk. However, as a result, the three eight-level monks died and fled. Fu Yanshan himself was unscathed. Since then, the reputation of Fu Yanshan has been hit in the heavens and heavens. As a five-level monk, he has become one of the top experts. The prestige of the broken sky has also risen rapidly, helping Fuyanshan to build Wanpeng Gang, which is now dominated by heaven and earth, and become the treasure of Wanpeng. [

Although Fu Yanshan has now entered the 10th level, even if he does not rely on the power of breaking the sky, he has become a well-deserved top master in the heavens and heavens. Whenever people mention him, they will always break up involuntarily. Day ruler.

The reason why Taiyimen was under the pressure and control of Wanpeng Gang was that he had suffered a loss. Xiao Siteng, the head of Taiyimen, is famous earlier than Fuyanshan. He was also repaired on the Yanyan Mountain. When he was involved in the battle with Fuyanshan, he was relieved of the fact that he had to fight against it. Do not bow down and admit defeat, and since then, no longer dare to fight against Wan Peng. Mo Xie Long is a disciple of Tai Yimen. It is most clear to the history of this humiliation in the door. Naturally, it is also true to the world. In this context, it is not surprising that he was shocked by Qin Dong’s bold ideas.

In fact, with Qin Dong’s current cultivation, he wants to take the obstacles from the hands of An Xing Quan, and it really takes a lot of effort. Don't forget, he also has a peerless soldier in his hand - Wulong Yaoshi.

Wulong Yaoshi is the treasure of the town of the Holy Orc, and naturally it will not be worse than the broken sky. In addition, Qin Dong’s own cultivation is far above the Anxing power. In any case, he has no reason to lose to Anxing’s right, and it is not the rant of his impulsive impulse. Moreover, Qin Dong’s collision with Wulong Yaoshi and the broken sky is expected from the heart.

"Qin Dong, I am thinking of you young, don't care about you. So, as long as you kneel down and scream at me three times, then call me three grandfathers, today I will not bother you, let you live and leave!" Anxing The right to sneer and laugh again and again, but the words that are said are even more mad, and Mo Xielong is not afraid of breathing.

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