The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1362: Months! (2)

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Ye asked the brows to wrinkle and rush, not knowing what to think, until Ye Sizhen shouted a second voice, and Ye asked to return to God. Seeing the novel, I saw Ye Sizhen, the original expression of a dignified face, slightly squeezed a smile, revealing the three-pointed love color.

"Thinking, what's the harvest?" Ye Wendao walked in front of Ye Sizhen, and asked softly.

Ye Sizhen shook his head and replied, "There was no sign of any activity of the Eudemons. Everything was calm. I guess, the Eudemons may be afraid of us, and we have already gone elsewhere to get rid of it."

Ye Wendao did not have the optimism of Ye Sizhen. He shook his head and smiled. "Thinking, you don't know the Eudemons. They are a group of hungry wolves. Once the prey is selected, it is not dead. Our family is very unfortunate. The prey they selected."[

Ye’s worries about his face are obviously under tremendous pressure.

"Hey, don't worry too much, the Eudemons are not seen to be invincible. It's not good, we can also ask for help from Jin Manzong!"

"I have sent a letter of help to the patriarch of Jin Manzong, but until now there is no news, I am afraid it is fierce." Ye Wendao said with a low voice.

"Hey, what do you mean, Jin Manzong will see you die?" Ye Sizhen's eyes widened and the face was full of surprise.

"I heard that not long ago, Jin Manzong was attacked by the Eudemons, and the loss was great. I am afraid that they are self-sufficient, even if they want to save us, they are powerless."

"How come?!" Ye Sizhen gave an exclamation.

Ye Wendao shook his head and murmured. "I felt incredible after I heard the news, but I have already sent someone to inquire. It is indeed a fact. It’s only a few days, the Eudemons have already made this happen. The situation is so out of hand. Can it be said that this disaster has really not been able to survive?"

Under the disappointment of Ye Sizhen, the road of anger is "to say that it is all evil and evil! They are willing to be the running dogs of the Eudemons. If they don't have their help, will the Eudemons be so unfavorable?"

Listening to Ye Sizhen’s mention of the ethereal ancestors, Qin Dong’s ears were erected.

Ye Sizhen angered the ethereal sects of all kinds of despicableness, and Ye Wendao only listened, and did not interject, until Ye Sizhen vented, he sighed and said, "The ethereal sect is indeed not very authentic, but heaven and earth fall into such a situation, and can not be completely I want to see it, or let me see it, or we don’t live up to it. Look at the big names, the heavens and the heavens are all in this field, but they are still in front of the snow. It’s like a loose sand, and it doesn’t know how important it is to unite. Being bullied by the illusionary orcs is like this!

Looking at Ye Wendao’s hateful appearance, it’s obviously disappointing to these great names. It is no wonder that he will be so angry. Even his little tribal patriarch knows the importance of unity. The heads of those big names are still holding their doors and minds. I really don’t know, is it the head? They were all kicked.

It is rare that Ye Wendao can have such advanced concepts, and Qin Dong nodded with admiration.

"Hey? Thinking, this is..." Ye Wendao fell on Qin Dong's body.

Ye Sizhen busy said: "Hey, he is called Qin Dong, a disciple of Taiyi."

"Taiyi's disciple?" Ye Wendao's eyes lit up, looking at Qin Dong's gaze, he was three more surprised.

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