The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1368: Jin Manzong came! (2)

He shook his head and shook his head. Something was rough. "No! It is the master of Jin Manzong. (www>

"The master of Jin Manzong arrived, how many people have come together?" Ye Sizhen was overjoyed after listening. Originally thought that Jin Mangzong was difficult to protect himself, and he had no reason to pay attention to them. I did not expect that the master of Jin Manzong suddenly came. The degree of joy of Ye Sizhen can be imagined. Not to mention the drowning people caught the straw.

"A total of two!" replied.

"What? Only... only two?" Ye Sizhen's heart could not help but cool, and the joy was not as strong as before.

Seeing nodded, Ye Sizhen’s face was stunned. “What is the use of only two people? Is it possible for two people to live in a low-grade phantom?”

"There are only two people, but these two people are the top masters of Jin Manzong. The repairs are all seven levels, and they are comparable to the English Master."

"Two monks in the seven-level world?" Ye Sizhen slightly surprised.

Jin Manzong is not like a one-door, Wan Peng help such a huge thing, a master like a cloud. According to Qin Dong’s previous understanding, their lords have only eight levels of realm at best. The masters of the seven-level world will not exceed five at best. Now that I have come together for a while, it seems that Jin Manzong pays close attention to the Yue Xiu.

The two seven-level monks were able to reach the twenty-three-five-five-level monks. Ye Sizhen’s dignified expression was slightly relieved. He only felt that at this festival, Jin Manzong was still self-sufficient and could send two The seven-level monk came to the moon to help the family, and it was already enough. With the help of these two seven-level monks, at least 30% of the revenge on the retreat of the Eudemons was added.

"Go, let's go to the temple!" Ye Sizhen hesitated for a moment, and screamed, and hurriedly started. Only after a few steps, I stopped again, and when I turned back, it was true that Qin Dong was behind her.

"What are you doing?" asked Ye Si Emei.

"Nature is going to the temple." Qin Dong answered very simply.

" can't understand people or what's wrong? We don't need to mix you with the family in the month, you give me a go!" Ye Siyan screamed coldly.

Qin Dong is not annoyed, but he smiles slyly, and the faint road "Miss Ye, you are less self-satisfied. Unless I seem to have nothing to do, I will mix the things of your month."

"Then you are not leaving soon?"

"Oh... I am not mixing with you in the month, but we are too much. Our doorkeeper said that the Eudemons are the common enemy of everyone in heaven and heaven. Too one is no exception. For the Eudemons, you can't touch it. Once you run into it, you must drop the demon! So I don't want to mix the things of your moon, but the orders of our masters. Please also don't bother me."

"Strong words take it!" Ye Si's mouth was so resentful, but his heart was very happy. After reprimanding Qin Dong, he stopped talking and went straight to the temple of the moon.

Ye Sizhen walked very anxiously, his face always with a happy color, Qin Dong followed, but deep inside is not as optimistic as Ye Sizhen. Qin Dongxin is not a gold mang sect. In fact, these large and small sects in heaven and heaven, Qin Dongyi also believes, and hates more than a good feeling.

Qin Dong did not know how deep the relationship between Jin Manzong and Yue Xiu. It was always felt that Jin Manzong sent two masters to the Yue Xiu at this time, and it may be unreasonable.

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