The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1386: Are angry! (2)

Ye asked the road to gnash his teeth. "The name is Qin, I know that you are inscrutable. We are so many people, we may not be able to subdue you. Look at the novel on the * small * said * network can be anyway, even if it is All of my family members have died in the month. As long as they can bite you, it will be enough."

"Okay, okay! Hahaha... I am standing here, Qindong, come on!" Qin Dong angered and laughed, arrogant.

"The patriarch, Qin Shaoxia, what did he do in the end, even let you be so determined?" Looking at the surrounding posture, Zhuang Hu couldn’t figure it out, and regardless of Ye’s attitude, he stopped in front of Qin Dong and asked in a hurry. .

Ye Wendao screamed, lazy to take care of Zhuanghu, the British latitude interface said "Qin Dong, I and Ye brothers have always respected you as a person, but never imagined, you are actually a wolf wearing a human skin!"

“Hey?” Qin Dong smiled coldly, his eyes sharply looking at Ying Wei. [

Qin Dong’s gaze is not something that ordinary people can resist. Ying Wei’s heart immediately felt a huge pressure coming in, but he still said that “If you have a heart of love, you can I proposed it to me and Ye Xiong, but you shouldn’t... Don’t be overlord and bully, bullying!”

"What?" When listening to Ying Wei’s words, Qin Dong was shocked and angry. What kind of overlord is **** the bow, and Ying Wei sees him as a person? Isn't he Qindong so unbearable?

"This is what Ye Sizhen said to you?" Qin Dong's voice was cold and asked.

"Yes! You are a man and a man, dare to be dare, shouldn't you deny it?" Ye asked.

"Ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ..." Ye Wendao voice did not fall, Qin Dong will be out of control like a loud laugh. In addition to laughing, Qin Dong at this time is really too lazy to say a word. He was very appreciative of Ye Sizhen. She only felt that she was innocent and passionate, and she was a good woman with true temperament. However, Wan did not expect that he was just teasing her, and she went to Ye Wen to ask here and sue for such a big picture. Qin Dong only felt that he had blinked and read the wrong person.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Wen said with anger.

"The patriarch, Dong Ge is definitely not going to do this kind of thing. Where is the lady, please call the lady, when confronted with quality!" Zhuang Hu felt awkward and said.

"Mixed!" See Zhuanghu once again interjected, and still speak for Qindong, Ye Wendao was so angry that he screamed and slammed his hand toward Zhuang Hu. Ye Wendao did not kill Zhuanghu. But the strength of this palm is also not light.

There is only Qin Dong, he wants to hurt Zhuang Hu, naturally it is impossible. The palm of his hand was only halfway up, and it was cracked by Qin Dong.

"The patriarch, please forgive Zhuanghu's mouth. But it's a big thing, it's more about the innocence of Dong Ge and Miss, or ask the lady to come out and say clearly!" Zhuang Hu does not know where the courage, Qin East just took the next hand for him, and he couldn’t wait to say it.

"Zhuanghu!" asked the unstoppable leaves. This sound was so fierce that he almost didn't give the roof to him. "Don't think that there is Qindong to support you now. Don't leave me in the eyes!" ”

"Hey!" After listening to Ye Wendao's words, Qin Dong immediately gave a cold voice, and his attitude was very clear. As long as he was there, you asked Ye Zidao how you really want to take Zhuanghu.

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