The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1395: Nothing to do! (1)

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-five chapters have no choices!

However, the more Zhong Zhongying is so eager to show, the more it can prove that things are as Chang Qi said. (net www>

In fact, it is a great risk to return to the non-virtualist Zhong Ying secretly to sneak back. The reason why he has to take such a big risk is all for Qin Dong, and it is precisely because of this that Qin Dong will really lead him.

"It seems that Han is right, and the dynasty has never really returned to the big prince, and Qin Tailong has nothing to do with it!" Chang Qi sneered and said.

"Han Lao?" Chang Qi’s words made Zhong Ying’s body chill out and his hair was upright. [

"Oh, don't look at Han Lao's seemingly polite respect for your ethereal sect. In fact, his roots don't believe that Qin Tailong will be willing to play for my illusionary orcs. Han Lao once said the big prince more than once. Let the great emperor find an opportunity to remove Qin Tailong and completely disintegrate the ethereal sect. But the great prince does not know what martial soup was poured by Qin Tailong, and he refused to agree. In desperation, Han Lao thought of the outer pine. The tight strategy, on the surface, maintains the ethereal sects, and secretly seeks evidence to prove the ambiguity of the ethereal sect."

Chang Qi’s remarks were smug, and it seemed that Zhong Ying’s heart seemed to be stuffed into a piece of ice, and the air was cold. She had a good impression of Han Lao, and even thought that he was amiable, and it was not the same as the general Eudemons. But who knows, Han Lao is so sinister. Thinking about it, Zhong Ying’s cold sweat slid down his cheek.

"Do you know why Han Lao will propose, and do not have a virtual split action?" Chang Qi felt that it was not enough. The words turned and sneered.

Zhong Ying involuntarily hit a sly, and looked scared and asked, "Why... why?"

"Ha ha ha... This is a temptation for your ethereal ancestors! Han Lao is determined that returning to nothingness will not completely destroy the Yue Xiu, and in order to save the Yue Xiu, returning to no vain will definitely kill Hetian."

"Ah!?" Changqi's laughter and words made Zhongying the whole person as if he was struck by lightning, and then he stepped back a few steps before he stood firm. Chang Qi said that it is not wrong at all. In private, she had communicated with her back. It was indeed a decision to return to the vain. As for Hetian, it is not a good thing. If you look back, you will see that he is not pleasing to the eye. This time, seeing that Han Lao only sent Hetian alone to accompany them, it is a good opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But who can think of this, this turned out to be a trap set by Han Lao, and Hetian is the bait that Han Lao took the initiative to send to the door in order to obtain evidence.

Looking at Zhongying’s pale face, Chang Qi’s expression became more and more smug, and the smirk continued and said, “As long as Hetian died, the sinister intentions of the ethereal sect were immediately exposed. At that time, the great prince would use the Thunder. Let the Essence of the Essence together with Qin Tailong, kill it!"

Zhong Ying listened to the cold sweat, but Qin Dong was very happy. From the very beginning, he did not believe that Qin Tailong would rely on the Eudemons. The often strange words undoubtedly proved that his judgment was completely correct. The reason why Qin Tailong has deliberately obtained the trust of the Eudemons must have another intention, and this intention is probably for the safety of the heavens in heaven. In other words, his father, Qin Tailong, is by no means a singer who has forgotten his ancestors and helped him to be a bastard. He is a true hero who humiliates and devote himself to his life.

The more you think about it, the more excited you are, the more you want to be more excited. Qin Dong only wants to laugh at the sky, and the depression and sorrow of the smoldering in the heart.

"That... That's the case of Hetian who died in the hands of the Xiu Xiu. Is it also on the head of our ethereal sect?" Zhong Ying asked unwillingly.

"Ha ha ha ... Han Lao has no choices, how can you not think of this? May I tell you that while we are heading for Dulong Mountain, there is another team of Yizuo warriors in Huakai, Huaxiong and two brothers. Under the leadership, straight to the moon to repair the family. Calculating the time, they have almost arrived at the moon to repair the family, ambush. Their task is to secretly monitor back to no illusion, once found that there is nothing wrong with it, it will immediately Take the shot, you will go back to nothing, wait for it!"

Chang Qi said that it is really right, Han Lao’s plan is really doing nothing! Unless there is no imaginary loyalty to the sorcerer, there is no second heart, otherwise, as long as there is a little movement, it will immediately smash the disaster.

But look at Zhongying's increasingly pale face, anyone can see it, returning to nothing but two hearts, but also very big and very determined.

"Well, everything is finished..." At this time, Zhong Ying only felt that there were dozens or twenty grenade explosions in his head. The brain was completely paralyzed, leaving only a blank.

"Do not worry, there will be a road to the mountain before the car, everything has room for recovery!" Seeing Zhong Ying, a very sad look, Qin Dong heart is very intolerable.

After listening to the conversation between Chang Qi and Zhong Ying, Qin Dong’s feelings of ignorance of the dynasty disappeared completely. Even the etheric ancestral scorpion left Li Yebing and Qin Feiyan, he was not so angry.

Zhong Ying looked up and looked at Qin Dong. She was very embarrassed in her heart. She had come to save people. I did not expect that in the end, people would in turn comfort themselves. Taking a long breath and cheering up, Zhong Ying suddenly looked at Qin Dong with a firm look. "Can I believe you?"

Seeing Zhong Ying’s expression so serious and solemn, Qin Dong nodded lightly.

"That's good! I am desperate to drag on Chang Qi, you will immediately chase the deputy lord, be sure to tell him all this, let him not go to Han Geng's old man!" Seeing, Zhong Ying has already hugged The determination, the eyes are extremely determined. [

"Zhong Ying, do you think this is useful? As long as you fall into my hands, you can still prove the two hearts of the ethereal sect." Chang Qiman said disdainfully.

"Even if I fall into your hands, I will take everything down. You can't think of getting a word from my mouth that is not conducive to the ethereal sect!"

"You..." I didn't expect Zhong Ying to be so stubborn, and the strange expression passed a trace of anger. If, as Zhong Ying said, he will bear everything and only say that he has been ignorant for a moment, so he has done a foolish thing, not only can not reveal the betrayal of the ethereal sect to the great emperor, even Zhong Ying does not use dead. As long as Qin Tailong asks her for a few words in front of the big prince, with the reliance and trust of the great prince on Qin Tailong, ten ** will answer

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