The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1413: To promote and! (1)

Chapter 1 413 is to promote peace!

"Scorpio! It is difficult to become our fantasy orc, this time will be defeated in your hands?" Han Geng's heart suddenly came a sharp pain, the heart seems to burst. /www>

At this time, Han Geng, a pair of eyes filled with blood and red, a finger pointing to Qin Dong's fingers trembled, is completely the image of a young man of the following year, no longer the same as the previous flying.

"Wrong! Your phantom orcs are destined to be defeated, but they are not defeated in my hands, but in the heavens, heaven!" Qin Dong's eyebrows are raised, and the words spoken are like heavy hammers, the shock of Han Geng's face. More pale. After all, I couldn't bear it. A heartbreak broke through the sky, and my body shape fell softly, swallowing the most breath.

Zhong Ying and Huang Shan will certainly not be sad because of Han Geng’s death. They just glanced at indifference and they all turned their eyes to Qin Dong. This catastrophe of Jin Manzong was thus resolved. Huangshan was even more excited when he felt the emotion. From now on, with the big backing of Qin Dong, the illusionary orc family in the heart of Huangshan does not seem as terrible as he thought in the past. [

Happy is not only Huangshan himself, Zhong Ying is also very excited. Han Geng’s conspiracy was not only defeated, but even Han Geng’s life was accounted for here. It was a powerful arm that smashed the Great Emperor. And Zhong Ying's happiest, or Qin Dong's birth, suddenly let her full of hope for the future. Just a little bit of a fly in the ointment, how can Qin Dong be a disciple of Taiyi? Zhong Ying and Xiao Siteng have seen several faces. How can they not see it? Xiao Siteng can cultivate excellent disciples like Qin Dong.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhong Ying and Huang Shan’s eyes were a bit ‘暧昧’, Qin Dong touched his nose and asked with a smile.

"Qin Shaoxia, are you sent to save me from heaven?" Qin Dong, who was stunned by Huangshan, suddenly burst out with such a sentence.

Qin Dong was a glimpse, and then he couldn't help but laugh. In this way, it is a bit of a funny taste from the mouth of the Lord of the House.

However, Zhong Ying, Bai Ying Weng, Xi Fu Xiong and others did not follow him. On the contrary, the expressions of each one were more serious than Huangshan, which made Qin Dong laugh out. The reason why Huangshan is like this is obviously because the situation in heaven is really nowhere to be reached.

Shaking his head, Qin Dongdao "Huang Zongzhu, things are urgent, we are afraid that there is no time to delay here. If Huang Zongzhu is willing to listen to me, then you will trouble you to reorganize your subordinates and temporarily abandon the headquarters of Jin Manzong, along with me. Going to the moon to repair the family."

"Right! The deputy lords are in a very bad situation." If it wasn’t for Qin Dong’s mention, Zhong Ying would almost forget to forget it. It’s not that Zhong Ying has no conscience. It’s really Qin Dong brought her The shock was too great, making her difficult to think about other things.

Huangshan frowned, and some were displeased. "I naturally want to listen to Qin Shaoxia. There is nothing to abandon the headquarters of Jin Manzong. As long as you can follow Qin Shaoxia, Huangshan has nothing to say. It is just a matter of floating, I don't want to blend."

As soon as he heard the words of Huangshan, Qin Dong knew that there was still a ripple in his heart. There is nothing wrong with this. As far as the actions of the Essences are concerned, the monks of the heavenly heavens and the tribes, as well as the tribes, do not hate the ethereal sects.

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