The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1417: Bitter and unscrupulous policy! (1)

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-seven chapters have no good policy!

"This does not require you to remind, the old man will naturally bear the responsibility that I should have assumed!" In the no-frozen nose, he uttered a sentence and directly put Hetian back. Read the latest chapter of vip \\>

Hetian stood up with a face that was about to rise into a livery color, and retired to the side. Although he was so annoyed in his heart that he could kill him alone, he had no such guts. This person, Hetian, is violent and irritable, and does not move his mind. Han Geng only uses him as a bait. Naturally, he will not tell the Huakai Huaxiong brothers that he has been sent to the surrounding Xiuzu people, otherwise it will be a bad thing.

Looking at the facial features that are going to be twisted together with Tian, ​​the heart is cold, but it is only a moment. Thinking of the fate of the Xiu Xiu family, even if it is vomiting blood on the spot, Fang Han is not happy.

It’s not like this. It’s fake on the surface, but it’s like a fire. If Zhong Ying can know the feeling of returning to this time, then the letter will be written in more detail, not so simple. [

Back to no imaginary is eager to come up with a way, the more blank in the mind, and in his meditation, time is extremely fast. Among them, Hetian came to ask a few times, and they were all returned with no silence and sent back.

When I saw that Hetian once again came to the momentum, I knew that if I dragged on in this way, even if Hetian was a pig, I began to doubt. If he went back and said this to Han Geng or the great emperor, with the cleverness of those two, one can think of what is going on.

I waited for Hetian to come to the front and stand up. When I went back to nothing, I stood up first. "Okay, almost, keep on the road!" After that, I turned to look at Fang Han and saw Fang Han also face dignified. With distress, I can’t think of any good way, and my heart is inevitable.

Continue to march, Fang Han secretly commanded, the more than a dozen masters of the dynasty, all converge on the body, walking very slowly, expecting to delay some time. This method is indeed a bit sloppy, but at this time, there is not much that can be taken care of.

"Back to the deputy lord, why do I think that everyone's fighting spirit does not seem to be high, is it that you can't bear to know how to repair the family?" Hetian found the clue, and asked quietly.

Going back to nothing, I’m confused, “Hetian, what do you mean by this?”

Hetian snorted and said, "I am at such a speed, I am afraid that tomorrow will not be able to get to the moon."

"Oh... everyone is replenishing their batteries. When they are in the month of the Xiu, they will have a bad fight and they will be able to cope with it!"

"Back to the deputy lord, do you think that I am a fool in Hetian? What is the situation of the Xiu Xiu, are you not clear? The whole family is up and down, but the highest is only a seven-level monk, and the rest are some low-ranking monks. It’s not worth mentioning. Don’t say that we have come to so many masters, even if you only go back to the deputy, you can easily kill the chickens and dogs without leaving them. Where is the battle?”

Back to the cold and cold smile, the faint road "Since the Xiu Xiu is so unbearable, then I am wondering, how did you lastly eat such a big loss in their hands?"

"I..." He Tian did not be wary of going back to nothing, there would be such a question, and the words were on the spot.

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