The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1431: Gifted! (1)

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-one chapters are different!

When I saw Zhuang Hu, Fang Han felt pity in his heart and shook his head. There was no sadness. "What a good boy, even worse, the poisonous hand of Hetian. With this one alone, that Hetian died 10,000 times. Not too much. Valley - Grain - Net - First - Send www>

Qin Dong didn't talk, just looked up and looked at Fang Han, smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand. On Zhuang Hu's body, it seemed to be chaotic, but it was very rhythmicly beaten.

"Does he still have a rescue?" When he saw Qin Dong’s move, Fang Han’s heart suddenly felt agitated and asked excitedly.

I haven't waited for Qin Dong to answer. Zhuang Hu, who has a breath of breath, suddenly makes a burst of noise in his throat. The closed eyes are shaking constantly. It seems that the eyes under the eyes are turning. [

"Really... really live?" Fang Han was shocked to see Qin Dong, how can not believe it. Even if Qin Dongxiu is a passer-by, it can be impossible for Fang Han to see the resurrection of the dead. This is incredible.

Fang Hanzheng was shocked by Zhang’s mouth. Zhuang Hu suddenly hit a squid and turned up. The mouth spit out a long sigh of gas. The whole person was stunned. How could it be hurt?

Not only is it cold and stupid, but Hetian is even more shocked by the six gods. He only had a series of slams against Zhuang Hu. Every time he had a lot of heart, he never believed that Zhuang Hu had suffered his heavy blow and could continue to live. Is it true that this young man is really a living god? Hetian looked at Qin Dong and the whole person stayed.

"How do you feel?" Qin Dong took a picture of Zhuanghu's strong chest and asked with a smile.

Zhuang Hu tried to move his hands and feet, his face was full of surprises, and he said, "It’s weird, why didn’t I die? And I feel that my body seems to be full of strength, and my head is much clearer than before. ……What exactly is going on?"

Zhuang Hu asked, the same is also the point of Fang Hanxin's incomprehensibility, a pair of eyes staring straight at Qin Dong, waiting for his explanation.

Qin Dong seems to have some concerns, frowning, and did not confuse the two, but said with a smile, "It is your talent, nothing strange."

In the words of Qin Dong, it is perfunctory in the end. What kind of talent is it in the end, so that Zhuang Hu has the ability to fight undead? Fang Han’s heart is incomprehensible, and the mystery is heavy, but he dare not ask. For Qin Dong, he is really a little deep in awe.

"Tiger, you are not saying, do you want to kill this Eudemons yourself? Now your chance is coming, go!" Qin Dong pointed to Hetian and smiled.

"I...what do I do?" Zhuang Hu did hate Wutian and wanted to put his hand on it. Zhuang Huo also has self-knowledge, especially after eating two losses in succession, it is clear that he is not Hotan’s opponent, let alone slaughter him.

Qin Dong looked awkward and said, "I am there, what are you afraid of? Tiger, if you want to be my brother, you must have the courage of non-human beings, otherwise, not qualified!"

"Good! I am going!" When Qin Dong raised the seriousness of the matter to the height of being a brother, Zhuang Hu still dared to hesitate? When the heart was horizontal, the big step went to Hetian.

Fang Han could not understand Qin Dong’s intention to do so. His idea was to coincide with Zhuang Hu. But when he was puzzled, Qin Dong had already let go of Hetian and said to him, "I will give you a chance to live today. As long as you can kill my brother, I will let you go!"

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