The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1436: But so! (2)

After the two brothers of Huakai Huaxiong merged, each other’s spiritual powers could be mobilized. They could be arbitrarily mobilized. That is to say, the two brothers, regardless of the attack from any one of them, gathered the two men’s cultivation, so the attacking power would Instantly increased. Fiction list \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://to

Therefore, Hua Xiong’s book should be a tentative blow, and it will become full of strength and power. The light beam that pierces the sky, carrying the power, is as if the earth can wear a transparent hole.

Hua Xiong, who has doubled his attack power, is absolutely comparable to a nine-level monk, so he has to let Huangshan go back to nothing. However, there are limits to the strong moves. The Huakai Huaxiong brothers’ own cultivation is only eight levels, which is far worse than Qindong. Even if it is a combination, it is not enough to compete with Qindong. It’s just a bang, and the two brothers are completely beaten.

Waiting for the light column to fly directly to his chest, Qin Dong's right hand five fingers suddenly open, five sharp and powerful chaos force, almost simultaneously shot, like a five-pointed arrow, the light column hole. A tumultuous thunder rang, and the light column of Huaxiong's deep spiritual power blew like a bomb, and then was strangled by the big net formed by the power of five chaos, even a splash of spirit. The flow of power has not been let go.

In the impression of the Huakai Huaxiong brothers, once the two must be, few people can crack their attacks so cleanly. The original brothers did not dare to despise Qin Dong. After this, they even widened their eyes and raised a 12-point alert. [

"Tigers and lions, but that's it!" Qin Dong blew his palms, his face relaxed and not ridiculous.

"Good!" Back to no imaginary was obviously shocked by the performance of Qin Dong, stunned and turned to look at Zhong Ying.

Zhong Ying is a look of everything that is expected, and smiles.

"Eat me a paw!" Repulsed Huaxiong, Hua Kai worried that Qin Dong took the opportunity to launch a counterattack, a scream, a pair of huge lions' front paws, while lifting high, and then fell. The abundant spiritual power is transformed into two claws of the bright and sultry in the air. Each road has so many hills, and the momentum is swaying toward Qindong.

"I licked your claws!" Qin Dong Li drunk the exit, the right palm turned into a blade, and slammed up, a chaotic force like a knife, immediately flashing the eye-catching brilliance, from the bottom up, swept the past .


The two whispers, though not large, have kept everyone in the room. I saw the knife that Qin Dong’s right palm swept out, just like the sharp blade cut into the tofu, and it was easy to pass through the huge claws that fell from the sky. As true as Qin Dong said, the pair of front paws of the huge male lion standing in the air, disconnected and separated from the body of the lion...

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