The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1438: apology! (1)

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-eight apologies!

Although the ‘lion and tiger biphasic’ is powerful, it can be seen in front of the Five Dragons. Look at the entertainment map on \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://tu>

After the combination of the animal and the Huakai Huaxiong brothers, from the beginning to the end, they only had time to make a scream of screaming, and they were smashed into five blood dragons, and only the spiritual cores that were merged together were Qin Dong. Ingest your palm.

The spirit of the two kings of Huakai Huaxiong is collected, and its quality is better than that imagined by Qin Dong. Even higher than an Eudemons core that is comparable to a nine-level monk.

"Just... is it so over?" After a long period of sham, I was able to spit out a sentence. [

After listening to Zhong Ying, he giggled and said, "Go back to the old, can't you still reluctantly have these two brothers?"

"No! It's just... it's just too fast, just for a moment..." It’s clear that I’m still immersed in the earth-shattering scene.

"Scorpio, is this true?" Fang Han's body method is worse than Qin Dong in several grades, plus the need to look after Zhuang Hu and Caiyun, the speed is even slower. However, just in time to catch up with Qin Dong’s killing of the Fahrenheit brothers with the Five Dragons, the body was flying in the air and hit a nap, almost not falling on the spot. With a shock and suspicion on his face, he was stunned.

Back to nowhere, at this time, I still have to answer the question of Fang Han. I was eager to ask Zhong Ying, "Xiao Ying, who is this young man?"

Zhong Ying shook his head and expressed a slightly regrettable expression. "I only know that he is called Qin Dong. He is a disciple of Taiyi."

"Taiyi's disciple? Impossible!" The first reaction to returning to nothing is to shake his head.

Zhong Ying smiled and said, "I can't believe it, but this is what he said personally. It should be true."

Going back to a vain look, the sly way "Taiyi has such a profound foundation? I think the cultivation of this young man is only stronger than Xiao Si Teng."

There are as many doubts in Zhong Ying’s mind as there are no illusions. Listen to him saying this, just returning to smile. In this world, things that people can't figure out are gone, but it's not that you can't figure out what's going on, things won't happen.

"Qin Shaoxia!" Just when Huiwu and Zhongying were entangled, Ye Wendao and Ying Wei had already come to Qin Dong. Both of them are the look of the face, and there is a deep apology in their eyes.

"Qin Shaoxia, we two old confused eggs, to apologize to you!" Ye asked a mouth, loudly said.

"Right right! We are both confused, or else you will not misunderstand Qin Shaoxia. You have to fight, let Qin Shaoxia deal with it!" Ying Wei also said busy.

Qin Dong several times to save the moon and repair the family in the overthrow, this deep grace and virtue, has let Ye Wendao and Ying Wei do not know how to repay. If you can't get Qin Dong's forgiveness, I am afraid that even if the two are dead, it is hard to be safe.

"Qin Shaoxia, the two of them are really old-fashioned. Don't you generally see them?" Ye Sizhen worried that Qin Dong would not forgive the two and came forward to plead.

Qin Dong's eyebrows wrinkled, glaring at Ye Sizhen, bluntly blaming "They are your father, one is your master, all your elders, how can you say them?"

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