The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1448: The herd is surging! (2)

Shen Daojun’s face showed a sneer and snorted, “Look at when you can support it!”

Back to no imaginary, Huangshan and other people's blocking is of course sharp, but the number of spirit beasts in front of it is too much, from afar, it is like a big wave, one wave after another, almost no end. Look at the entertainment map on \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://tu>

Shen Daojun listened, sneered, and the movements on his hands refused to stop. The light from the beasts of the beasts continued to extend farther away, as if to stretch to the end of the sky. Wherever the golden light is, the spirit beasts move in full, and the speed of returning to the innocence, the speed of Huangshan and others, is only a non-stop killing for three days and three nights, and it is not seen to be able to kill.

“吼~~~” After a while, the sound of the Tigers and the Griffins came from afar, and the return to the innocence and Huangshan’s ecstasy, I realized that the real crisis is coming.

"Look, what is that?" Zhong Ying suddenly pointed to the place where the heavens and the earth were connected, a confused dust, as if it had been rolled up by the wind, and had been sent to Jiuyi, and its potential was extremely impressive. [

The voice of Zhong Ying has just fallen, and the whole earth has also trembled, and with the approach of dust, it has become more and more intense. Going back to a heart without a virtual heart, I have to jump out of my throat, screaming at Shen Daojun and yelling, "Shen Daojun, what do you want to do?"

Shen Daojun’s enthusiasm for himself was very satisfying. He sneered with sneer. “You are so wicked and stubborn, today is your death!”

"Family! Is it true that the ordinary tribes of the Xiuzu people are damn? You are too one, and you are known as the famous deputy. Even if you make such indiscriminate killings and sinister evils, are you not afraid of being criticized by the justice of the world? ?"

There is no point in my heart at this moment. So many soul beasts are like surges. Unless they all have three heads and six arms, who can resist? Back to nothing, I hope that Shen Daojun will not be too self-sufficient, can restore some rationality, and take the initiative to disperse the spirits, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

"What ordinary people, they have already been washed by your brains, and you have listened to you, and willingly started the magical beasts. They are really pitiful, but they can't, so they keep them and continue to give you a fight for the tiger! Their death, and finally, it must be counted on the head of your ethereal sect!" Shen Daojun pointed back to no emptiness, a straightforward expression, and let go of the roots without hatred.

The time of speaking, the huge group of spiritual beasts has come close again, and the scale has been revealed in the field of returning to the innocence and other people. Although it is already prepared to return to the innocence, it can be seen that this situation is inevitable. A few mouthfuls of cool air.

The large group of spirits that quickly approached from a distance is so large that it is staggering. Roughly calculated, there are tens of thousands of people. So many beasts, even if they are all low-level beasts of the second and third grades, are enough to razor the whole month.

Just when there was no sorrow, I didn’t know how to be good. No one found out that Shen Daojun’s brows were also wrinkled, revealing a puzzled expression that was very puzzled...

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