The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1451: The power of the devil! (2)

The Sky Cat first looked around with a pair of eyes, and then screamed in the sky. Look at the entertainment map on \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://tu>

With the beast bead, Shen Daojun controls thousands of beasts in the palm of his hand. It seems to be a prestige, but compared with the squad, it is obviously a small witch, not at all.

Looking at the soaring disbanding of the herd, how much Huangshan can understand, why Shen Daojun will lose his sense of reason, and even his life does not want to conquer the Titan. Compared to the Titans, those who have been conquered by Shen Daojun are simply not as good as the scum. Although Huangshan’s heart is full of awe in the pantoon, he still can’t help but say, “This is really not a handsome guy!”

Although the herd was disbanded by the Titans, it was not easy to return to Wushan and Huangshan. If the catalonia wants to be like them, then the consequences they face are only terrible than being surrounded by the herd.

It’s true that they are worried about what they are coming to. When the time was gone and Huangshan was nervous, the scorpion tiger slowly turned around, facing the people who had no emptiness and slowly opened their teeth. [

A sharp mouth like a knife, cold light, so that people who are back to nothing and all the cold, only feel that the whole body's bones are slightly numb and itchy.

"Back... Back to the old, it is still against us... or is it not malicious?" Huangshan looked back to nothing, and the cold sweat on his forehead was screaming.

It’s obvious that I’m not sure about it, I’m looking at the scorpion tiger, and I’ve swallowed a few mouthfuls.

"Thousands of tigers are murderous. If they don't kill everyone, they will never leave!" After a long time, Shen Daojun slowed down and shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Huangshan asked exclaimedly.

Shen Daojun sneered, "Do you think that it will dispel the herd? You should not be so simple, think it is a good heart, specifically for you to solve the problem? Don't dream! It does that because The scorpion nature feeding, it must not allow other people or spirit beasts, coveting its prey. It will settle the herd, just to enjoy our prey."

"Ah?" Regardless of whether Shen Daojun said it was true or not, it was really scary. Especially now, the Titans are yelling at their own teeth, and they seem to be rushing at any time, even if they don’t want to return, they don’t believe it.

Shen Daojun coughed and said, "If you still want to continue to live, for the present, there is only one way, that is to help me, let me use the beast bead to conquer it! Otherwise, we don't want to live one." ""

"Back to the old, what should I do?" Huangshan is clearly tempted, and the eyes look back to nothing.

Shen Daojun said that there is something wrong with it. When he was squatting, Shen Daojun suddenly burst into anger. "If you don't have time to hesitate, if you want to live, just come with me!"

The sound of the drink has not yet fallen, and Shen Daojun has already acted. The beast bead in his hand broke out again and made a golden awn, and spurred toward the smashing tiger. These golden lights are rich in spiritual power, but they are not in the eyes of the scorpion tiger. They only see a pair of tiger claws of the savage tiger, and they slanted to the right and smashed the slap in the face, and they broke the golden light while the tiger The body was quite awkward, and suddenly rushed toward Shen Daojun...

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