The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1454: Double blow! (2)

Qin Dong ignores the madness of Shen Daojun, just a cold smile, a faint road. "If you live a lot of age, don't you understand the most simple truth? Someone else's things can be taken casually!"

"Those things about others? Jokes! You are talking about it, who is this kind of cockroach?" Shen Daojun angered and laughed. See \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

"Nature is mine! I don't want you to say that this is a pet." Qin Dongjian raised his eyebrows and said faintly.

"Don't shave! What are you, dare to say that the scorpion is your pet, you are not afraid to say it, laugh at the big teeth of others!" Shen Daojun's face was a bit sloppy, apparently angered to the extreme.

Qin Dong snorted and ignored him. He just waved at the Sky Cat and shouted "Come on!"

The voice of Qin Dong just fell, the king was extremely cooperative, shaking his tail, and he walked over. Came to the front of Qin Dong, the king is also like a spoiled, relying on the huge head on the legs of Qin Dong, a good temper, until I saw that Qin Dong is annoying, this is at the foot of Qin Dong, lying It’s down. When Qin Dong touched him on his body, it was like a big white cat.

Seeing this scene, Shen Daojun’s eyes really want to be smashed. It is full of shock and incredible, and the whole look is like a ghost.

Back to no imaginary, Huangshan and other people are all stunned, the whole scene instantly fell into a dead silence. It has been a long time since the half-baked tea, and no one has taken the lead to break the silence.

"This...this is impossible, impossible!" Shen Daojun was completely unable to accept the facts before him. He was awakened by the gods. A head was shaken like a rattle, and he was not afraid of shaking, and his neck was flashing.

"吼~~~" The king was obviously uncomfortable with Shen Daojun. He was so noisy. He immediately screamed at his head and screamed at the front. He seemed to jump at the moment and bite. Shen Daojun’s neck.

Qin Dong smiled slightly, while stroking the hair of the king like a silky hair, while laughing, "dispel the gas, this old guy has received enough lessons."

After listening to Qin Dong, the king was gentle again, but he would never look at Shen Daojun again.

The facts are in front of you, and it is impossible to be true. Although Shen Daojun was not willing to believe, he had to believe. The whole person was like a frosted eggplant, and he squatted on the spot, as if he was ten years old.

Speaking of it, this is really the most tragic day since Shen Daojun was born. The □ □ has not healed, and this mental blow has followed. This one outside, double strike, but also all heavy blows, Shen Daojun is afraid of some nursed back to health.

"Qin Shaoxia, is this thief really your pet?" Although the facts are in front of me, I can't help but ask for a long time.

Qin Dong smiled and nodded, and said to the gods, "Da Wang, this is to return to the old, to say hello to the old."

"吼~~~" was only able to return to the emptiness and helped Shen Daojun to deal with the king. Although the king is a fairy, he is already a little careful, obviously remembering the innocent enemy, but rushing back to nothing. The tooth was rubbed, and then the head was twisted aside.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be..." Back to nothing, he rushed to the king to hug his back and forth, and looked at it like that. He also regarded the king as a living person, and did not dare to be scornful.

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