The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1470: The arrogant used to Shen Daojun! (2)

Shen Daojun leaned back on the back of the chair and gathered his hair. "I have already ordered Mu Zhao to release the non-father and daughter. The passionate photo of the meal \ "target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://http://www>

"What!?" Mu Hong heard it here, and couldn't help it anymore. He stood up and screamed with indignation.

Seeing Mu Hong's appearance, Shen Daojun sneered a sneer and grinned. "How, look at you like this, seems to kill me?"

Mu Hong really angered to the extreme, a pair of fists screaming in the back, did not pay attention to the words of Shen Daojun, Mu Hong screamed "Mu Zhao, you said, what happened? It is difficult to be in your eyes, Tuva There are two patriarchs?"

"Mu Hong, what do you mean by this?" Shen Daojun was furious and got up and asked. [

Shen Daojun had no good face at all, and his expression was cold. "It doesn't mean anything. I am teaching my subordinates. Shen brother can not care too much."

"You..." Shen Daojun pointed to Mu Hong, and was about to open his mouth. Mu Hong did not give him a chance at all. He was sharply like a knife and turned to Mu Zhao.

Mu Zhao’s evil laughed a few times, and Fang Cai’s report that “the subordinates have indeed sent Hu Fei’s father and daughter home.”

Mu Zhao followed Mu Hong for many years, and the two had already formed quite a tacit understanding. Seeing Mu Zhao’s look, Mu Hong understood everything. The original tight face of Tie Qing reappeared with a smile and directed at Mu Zhao’s promise. Nodded and said, "Alright! Since it is the meaning of Shen brother, just do it."

Shen Daojun is standing on a high place for too long, and has developed the inertial thinking of looking down on others. Mu Hong’s attitude suddenly changed so much. Shen Daojun did not feel strange, but also naively thought that it was his majesty and the power of Taimen, which made Mu Hong have to give in. He did not realize that this contempt for Mu Hong would bring him bad consequences.

"Hey! The old man also expects you not to be like!" Shen Daojun said without hesitation, but did not pay attention, the black robe mysterious man who had been standing behind Mu Zhao, I do not know when it disappeared.

Shen Daojun did not notice that Mu Hong was in his eyes, and his mouth was pulled, showing a sneer. When the head turned to Shen Daojun, this sneer, instantly disappeared the cold, and the hustle and bustle like the spring breeze.

"Shen brother, for the door owner and your great grace, my Mu Hong is never forgotten. In fact, I have already calculated, and after I have finished cooking, I will go to see the door." Lord, and sent me a gift that was carefully prepared for him, so that the relationship between the Tuwa people of Taiyimen was more consolidated." Mu Hong lost his smile.

Shen Daojun glanced at him, cold and cold. "Your mind is led by our door, but I don't think I need it."

Mu Hong brows and asks "Why?"

Shen Daojun coughed and said, "Mu Hong, since I have said this, I will tell you the truth. I am here to see you. I hope that you can take the initiative to return the position of the patriarch to Mu Zheng. Of course, I will plead for Mu Zheng for you. After he resets, he will never be embarrassed by you. If anything happens, it will never happen."

"What? Shen brother, do you think this is playing at home, or do you want to play with me?" After listening to Shen Daojun's words, Mu Hong relied on his many years of self-cultivation to vomit blood on the spot, but it was again I can't bear it anymore, and my expression is awkward.

Shen Daojun is actually a bit embarrassed. After all, he took the initiative to send people to the position of the patriarch. It took only a few days for the people’s **** to sit on the patriarch’s seat and he would pull the family down. Anyway, it’s all about him.

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