The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1476: Second growth! (1)

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-six chapters grow up twice!

"Now you are no different from the waste, you are not qualified to talk to me! Leave you a cruelty, let's go!" An Xingyi said with a cold smile, the expression of words is extremely mean, and it is a source of anger. See \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

"Anxing Yi, An Xingyi, you are so ruthless, so shameless, isn't it afraid to be retribution?" Shen Daojun shook his head and looked at An Xingyi's eyes, full of disdain.

"Shen Daojun, all that I have done, you should be happy! These people just want to put you to death, I am afraid that they want them to die more than I?" An Xingyi turned to look at Shen Daojun, faint Asked.

"I really want them to die, but they will never use this way. An Xingyi, in any case, you are in the heavens and heavens, but also a number of people. How can such a mean thing be done in such a mean way? Once you spread it, are you not afraid of being laughed at by people?"[

"Peony! Now heaven and earth will soon cease to exist. Everyone is at risk. Who else will talk about these vain? In the current situation, what is the name, and it is all fake! Only when you live, is it Really! Mu Hong, I will give you the last chance to hand over the beasts, otherwise you know what I will do!"

The snoring of An Xingyi is like thunder, deafening, but Mu Hong seems to have not heard it, even the eyelids have not moved. The anger reached the extreme, and desperate to the ultimate Mu Hong, at this moment, even a strange calm. It seems that everything doesn't matter. The soul is free of the body, and the consciousness sinks into the bottom of the valley. There is no sky and no land. There is no other thing in Mu Hong’s mind. There is only one blank.

Mu Hong seems to have been thrown into another space for a moment, isolated from the world. There is no sigh of sorrow, and there is a dead silence in the surrounding. Here, Mu Hong’s heart full of greed and guilt, extremely impetuous, calmed down. Then slowly, this life, every scene he experienced, everyone he knows, everything he did, just like a movie, slowly came to his eyes.

Mu Hong only felt that he had become another person and re-examined his life from another perspective. Some thoughts that have never been seen before have been poured into his mind. An Xingyi did not think that he had forced Mu Hong to reshape the world view and let his mind and thinking change tremendously in an instant. This change can only be described as reborn. It can also be said that Mu Hong ushered in the second growth in his life.

The outside world is only a moment in the heart of Mu Hong. But this moment is a moment of decisive influence on Mu Hong’s life. Under extreme anger and extreme humiliation, the second growth that will be born will have an impact on Mu Hong, and I am afraid that it will exceed the expectations of all.

"It seems that you are not willing to surrender the beasts of the beasts? If so, then don't blame me!" An Xingyi lost patience, and the light of spiritual power flashed in his palms.

"Enough!" Just as An Xingyi wanted to completely change Mu Hong's last pair of pants into ashes, Shen Daojun finally couldn't bear it and gave a sigh of anger.

An Xingyi glanced at him with some intolerance. "You are now a mud bodhisattva across the river. I don't want to worry about others!"

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