The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1491: The soldiers are divided into two ways! (2)

In fact, Qin Dong originally did not want to bring Shen Daojun. There is a generation gap between young people and the elderly. However, Shen Daojun has too ‘sincerity’. Qin Dong is really embarrassed to refuse, and has to promise.

It is rare to have such leisure time, indulge in the landscape, and the recovery of Mifen, let him carry the heavy burden of more than half a year to be unloaded, Qin Dong's mood is quite good.

"Brother, when do we go to find Feiyan and the two sisters of the night ice?" Mifen is like a dancing butterfly, flying around in the flowers, Qin Dong is looking at the heart, and the little girl suddenly folds. Fly back, and asked a serious question to Qin Dong.

Speaking of Qin Feiyan and Li Yebing, Qin Dong’s heart can’t help but move, and a feeling of missing is born. I nodded lightly and muttered, "Yes, I don't know if they have been good."

"Brother! After we rescued the parents of Mu Brother, would you go to find them?"

Mifen looked up at her little face, and her eyes were full of hope. In the face of such a cute face, who can swear down and refuse?

"Good! Let's go find them!" Qin Dong nodded heavily and smiled.

When Miffin heard it, she immediately jumped up with cheers, and then, like a butterfly, floated forward, and she sang her silver bell-like laughter all the way.

"Qin Shaoxia, there is such a lovely sister, it is really enviable!" Shen Daojun happily came together.

Qin Dong smiled and rushed to the tiger road. "Tiger, you have to take care of some of the children. Although it is not far from the Tuva resident, there are still beasts, so don't let Fenren be in danger."

"Yeah!" Zhuang Hu responded with a cry and chased Miffin.

Zhuang Hu is just and kind, honest and honest, and very obedient, and he is getting more and more loved by Qin Dong.

After Zhuang Hu left, Qin Dong turned to look at Shen Daojun and asked, "Shen Shen, you tell me the truth, do you think your letter will let Xiao Si Teng put Mu Zheng couple?"

Shen Daojun first bowed, then coughed, this is a slightly embarrassing road "I am afraid not!"

Seeing that Shen Daojun did not force himself in front of him, Qin Dong was more satisfied. "According to my understanding of Xiao Siteng, your letter will not let him put Mu Zheng and his wife, maybe he will be irritated and then do It’s more unfavorable for the Tuva."

Shen Daojun frowned. "Since you have already guessed, why did you agree to write the letter?"

Qin Dong smiled and said, "First of all, your letter may irritate Xiao Siteng, but he will always be afraid of your safety and will not hurt Muzheng. As long as he does not kill Muzheng, then he will not be angry anyway. Second, I want to give him a chance."

Xiao Stan is the top figure in the heavens and heavens. No one dares to be as crazy as Qin Dong, and he has given Xiao Si Teng a chance. At first, I heard that Shen Daojun was slightly uncomfortable. I thought in the depths that Qin Dong was really qualified to say this, and it was not arrogant.

Even if Shen Daojun’s imagination is limited, it can be imagined that once Qin Dong and Qin Tailong join forces, it will be a terrible force. Needless to say, a single monk with a level of ten is enough to make a good one.

For the situation and encounters before Qin Tailong's father and son, Shen Daojun is also slightly heard. After all, Qin Tailong dared to compete with the entire Wanpeng gang with his own power. Only this point made it impossible for him to be shocked. Moreover, Qin Tailong’s cultivation was indeed good, and he deserved a superb master.

A few years ago, Qin Tailong and Qin Dong were chased by Wan Peng, and there were few places to stand. But a few years later, Qin Tailong and Qin Dong, the father and son, already have a powerful force that affects the entire heavenly world. Speaking of it, let Shen Daojun be very embarrassed.

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