The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1496: Who can cover the sky with his hands? (2)

"My name is Qin Dong!" Qin Dong nodded to the good man.

"Qin Shaoxia, thank you...Thank you for your help. But I...have no face and continue to live. Death is a relief for me..." Wenyu said something like this. The look is filled with sorrow and despair. If you haven’t experienced too many hardships, why would people show such a look and say such a thing?

Seeing the suspicion of Qin Dong’s face, Zhuang Tiger sighed and sang Wen’s experience for so many years, telling Qin Dong about it in detail. After listening to Zhuanghu’s rivers and lakes, Qin Dong understood the text’s “sighing mood. Wrinkled and frowned, the slow road “Death is only the end, it is not a relief. It won't let the pain you suffer disappear, it will only make people who care for you more heartbroken. In other words, if you die, it is just a transfer of the pain of doubling to the body of the tiger. This kind of behavior is not only selfish, but also very weak. ”

"But, I..." Qin Dong’s words made the Wen Hao touch, and the despair in the eyebrows was full of confusion.

When Qin Dong finished speaking, he went on to say, "If people live forever, they will inevitably be hurt. So God has given people a special skill, that is to forget. Forget the unfortunate past, unloading the burden, Focusing on the future, using double life to create a beautiful new life, is this no more meaningful than death?"[

Seeing Qin Dong’s words made Wen Hao fall into deep thought. Zhuang Husheng was afraid that she couldn’t open this knot, and she made something stupid. She said with a busy attitude. “Yes, Wen Jie, Dong Ge said yes, you can’t be stupid. Is it awkward to kill such a beast?"

Wen Hao nodded slightly, although he did not mention the dead words, but his expression was still depressed and difficult. It is not surprising that the humiliation of so many years is not something that Qin Dong can understand in two or three sentences. However, as long as the text is not born, one day, one will slowly forget the sufferings of the past and start living again.

Qin Dong Chong Muffin and Zhuang Hu made a look, let the two bring the literary cricket to the side to take care of him, he turned his eyes to Xuan Kui.

"Don't think that you have two sons, I will be afraid of you!" Xuan Kui said with a tight grip.

"If you are not afraid, then come! Let me see, Xuan Tianzi has taught you some of the skills." Qin Dong sneered a sneer, full of sarcasm.

"Okay! Then you will give me big eyes, oh yeah!" Xuan Kui sighed, his body was illusory, his palms were up and down, and he crossed the front, leaving countless ambiguous afterimages. .

"East brother, this is one of Xuan Tianzi's tricks - cover the sky!" Zhuang Hu was very alert, and immediately said.

"Sheltering the sun? A big tone! Looking at the world, who can really do it only to cover the sky?" Qin Dong cold road.

"Nature, you arrogant boy, eat me a hand!" With Xuankui's laughter, the sky is full of thousands of palms, really like a huge dark cloud, covering most of the time. A sky that covers the edge of the sun.

Within ten miles of the circle, it seems that in a moment it has fallen into the extreme darkness, surrounded by darkness and no fingers. The majestic power of the majestic, in which the vertical and horizontal shuttle, is to be a clear tomorrow, turned into a dangerous situation where one side hides the murder.

Carrying the power to devour the sun and the moon, Xuankui went straight to Qindong. Seeing Xuankui's teaching to this realm, Xuan Tianzi is indeed proud enough...

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