The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1498: I am so weeping! (2)

Qin Dong’s move, the green girl also saw it, but there was no fear on her face, but it was full of sadness, low voice. “You killed us! It’s better to die in your hands than to die under the slave contract. , less suffering from many pains."

The two female disciples standing side by side with the young girl obviously also hold the same idea. The three men unanimously left their long swords in their hands, closed their eyes and made a look of a pair of hands.

"East brother, they are all under the coercion of Xuankui and Xuantianzi, please be merciful!" Zhuang Hu's voice is full of eagerness and pleading.

Wen Hao also opened his mouth and was about to plead for the three sisters. Qin Dong’s palm had already been thrown out. I saw the spiritual power of his palms like a flame. With the momentum of Qin Dong, he suddenly shot it, and made three trips on the way, and included three female disciples.

When Qin Dong used his hand to cover the sky with his spiritual power, Xu Wenkui had already experienced the power and horror of Qin Dong's spiritual power. At this time, he saw the spiritual power of Qin Dong, and attacked the three young women, only desperately closed. I got up in my eyes and my heart hurt. [

However, the three females did not, as Wenyu imagined, under the influence of Qin Dong’s spiritual power, the flesh and blood were blurred. Investigating the three spiritual powers of the three women, when they touched the bodies of the three women, they suddenly entered their bodies.

Zhuang Hu’s heart spurred, and he quickly fixed his eyes on the three women, and looked at them without a trace. After seeing the three women being invaded by Qin Dong’s spiritual power, the face showed a slight painful color, and the brows also became a group. In the midst of it, the faint can see, there is a golden light in the three women's body crazy incitement to swim.

Zhuang Hu initially thought that Qin Dong was going to kill them, but now he doesn't think so. Because if Qin Dong wants to kill them, he can raise them by raising their hands. It doesn't have to be so laborious.

Unexpectedly, the screams did not sound, and Wen Hao opened his eyes subconsciously. Seeing that the three young women are still standing there, although their bodies are shaking like electric shocks, they are indeed alive.

"Tiger, what is Qin Shaoxia doing?" Can't understand Qin Dong's move, Wen Hao is full of doubts looking to Zhuang Hu.

Wen Hao does not know, how can Zhuanghu know? Just shook his head and made a snoring action.

After a while, the young woman took the first breath and spurted a black blood arrow. Immediately after the other two female disciples, the same was true. After the black blood was spit out, they fell off the ground like a soft force.

"Go!" Qin Dong waved his hand and rolled up three people, carrying the three to the side of Wen Hao and Zhuang Hu.

"Green girl, are you all right?" Wen Hao and Zhuang Hu hurriedly helped the three women.

The young woman took a long breath and couldn't wait to wipe the fine sweat on her forehead. It was full of surprises and excitement. At the same time, she said, "I don't know how to say, "I think... I seem to be free." ”

Wen Hao did not respond, and asked questioning, "What are you talking about?"

The young woman did not take the plunge, but her luck was thoroughly explored in the body. Then she shouted in surprise. "I found out that the slave contract that my father had left in my knowledge of the sea disappeared."

"This... is this true?" Wen Hao and Zhuang Hu certainly knew what it meant, and the two almost exclaimed in unison.

At the same time, the other two female disciples also found their own changes, unable to hold back the excitement and excitement in the heart, the two women actually burst into tears.

"Wen Yujie, it is true, it is true! I have it, I am no longer a slave to others! Wenjie sister, I..." The green girl also said here, can’t help it anymore, crying with the sound stand up.

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