The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1500: Xuan Kui Fuxi! (1)

The first thousand and five hundred chapters of Xuan Kuifu!

"Save... save me, save me!" Feel the vitality disappearing from the body at a speed that is horrible. This pain and fear, if not personally experienced, can never be imagined. At this time, Xuan Kui had a pair of eyes, and looked straight into Qin Dong, his eyes filled with pleading and despair.

Despite Wen Hao, Zhuang Hu and others hated Xuankui, but when he saw Xuan Kui’s death, he was shuddered and his scalp was numb.

"Brother, this blood knife is so evil, it is better to destroy it, save it from poisoning the world!" Mifen's face was shocked and shouted at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong also has this intention, is about to release the "Xian Li", the blood knife to destroy the air, Shen Daojun's voice far from the "Qin Shaoxia, quickly stop!"

The action of Qin Dong’s hand was slightly swayed, turning to look at Shen Daojun who came in a hurry.

When Shen Daojun came to the front, he first sighed and said, "Qin Shaoxia, this blood knife can't be destroyed!"

Qin Dong’s surprised face “Why?”

Shen Daojun replied, "Qin Shaoxia did not know, this blood knife was not so bloodthirsty. It was because of the blood of the Eudemons, so it became what it is today. It was in the last invasion of the Eudemons. At that time, the first master of heaven and heaven, is holding this sword, leading many masters of monks, and fighting the illusionary orcs for three days and three nights. The illusionary orc master who died under this blood knife, I do not know how many. It was at that time that the blood knife had mutated and became the first evil soldier in the world."

"Oh? The blood knife once belonged to the Emperor?" Qin Dong was the first time I heard about this secret, and I was surprised.

Shen Daojun nodded and said, "After the blood knife is full of drinking the blood of the phantoms, although it becomes extremely bloodthirsty, once it is squirted, it does not drink one person's blood, and it will never return to the sheath. It is also a smell, but it is also a cure. The first sacred warrior of the phantom orc. When the blood knives face the illusionary orcs, once they are launched, they will naturally bring out the sound of thunder, as if the painful screams of the souls of the thousands of sorcerers will give the phantoms Bringing tremendous shock. Qin Shaoxia, at this time, there is such a squad that will make the illusionary beasts change the wind. It will have a huge effect. If it is ruined, it is a pity?"

Qin Dong did not think of blood-knife evil soldiers, but there is still such a thing, the heart is slightly excited. As Shen Daojun said, in today's situation, the blood knife does seem to be precious and it is a pity to destroy it. But when I think of the evil spirit of the blood knife, Qin Dong’s heart will be filled with layers of concern.

In the end, Shen Daojun is an old man. From the look of Qin Dong, he guessed what he thought in his heart. He laughed, "Qin Shaoxia, this weapon is a dead object. Where is the righteousness and evil? The blood knife is crowned with the name of the evil soldier. It’s not because it’s bloodthirsty, but it’s mostly blamed on its later masters. They are carrying the blood knife power, slaughtering the Quartet, and doing no evil, this makes the blood knife become an unidentified evil soldier. In fact, the real evil is the human being. I believe that as long as the blood knife is given to a pure and pure person, who is righteous in justice, will surely be the name of the blood knife!"

In a word that awakened the dreamer, Qin Dong smiled and nodded.

"Fortunately, the seniors reminded them, otherwise this peerless soldier will really be destroyed in the hands of Qin Dong."

Qin Dong reached out and took a trick. The blood knife penetrated the body that had been sucked up by Xuan Kui, and screamed into the hands of Qin Dong. When the blood knife started, Qin Dong immediately felt that a huge and powerful force in the blood knife was constantly boiling, and there was no evil atmosphere in it. The words of Shen Daojun were more agreeable.

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