The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1503: Ask for essays? (1)

The first chapter of the five hundred and three chapters of the discussion of the text?

"Groom's official?" Mu Tian stunned.

Qin Dong smiled "Not bad! This time we will not only save your parents, but also go to the door to ask relatives, let Xiao Siteng marry Xiao Rusei to you!"

After listening to Qin Dong’s words, Mu Zhao and Mu could not help but face each other. Don't look at the lightness that Qin Dong said. The meaning in his words is not simple. It is clearly to officially declare war to Xiao Siteng. The Tuwas are attached to Taiyimen all the year round, and Mu Zhao and Mu Fei are awe-inspiring to Xiao Siteng. Now let them be enemies with Xiao Siteng, even if there is Qin Dong supporting them, they still have the heart.

However, Mu Tianqi’s newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger. The face did not show the slightest fear. Instead, the spirit was uplifted and reflected the extraordinary courage. He was full of excitement and nodded. He said, “Yes! I will prepare!” [

After Mu Tianyi left, Mu did not rush to ask Qin Dong, "Qin Shaoxia, Xiao Siteng is not an ordinary person after all, too one is the existence of Tianshan Tianshan Taishan Beidou, I wonder if you have some grasp?"

Qin Dongjian's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and he thinks a little. "If it's just Xiao Si Teng, then I have a 70% chance of winning. But now with Xuan Tianzi, I am afraid that only 50% will be left."

"Fifty percent is not?" Mu Zhao and Mu Fei looked at each other and looked at each other's concerns from each other's eyes.

"Why, are you afraid?" Qin Dong asked with a smile when he saw that the two men were not looking right.

Mu Zhao said first, "I am a sinner. I can't find a chance to redeem my sins. As long as I can save the patriarchs and wash my sins, what is the death?"

It is rare for Mu Zhao to say such a big and sorrowful word, Qin Dong gave him some good feelings. Although Mu Zhao is so loyal to the fact that he does not distinguish between right and wrong, he is also a man of great deeds.

Mu Fei is much more stable than Mu Zhao, and has not been stimulated by the words of Qin Dong. After careful meditation, he said, “It’s worth it! Anyway, Xiao Siteng has already released words, to force us to give the place to the gods, now the map The Wa people have indeed arrived at the time to fight together."

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Tianzhu can get the support of both of you. It is really his great creation."

Qin Dongzheng said, Shen Daojun took the hand of Yue Qianhua and walked in and walked in.

When the month of Qianhua entered the door, his eyes were placed on Qin Dong’s body, staring at the number of non-stop. Month is the typical gentle and virtuous, kind-hearted woman, which makes it easy for her to have a good impression. Qin Dong is no exception.

"Qin Shaoxia, I will introduce to you, this is the thousand moons in the moon." Shen Daojun said that he turned to Yue Qianhua again. "Qian Hua, this is Qin Shaoxia. How, I didn't lie to you, Qin Shaoxia. In the world today, a young and handsome young man!"

Yue Qianhua nodded hard, and the eyebrows did not hide the appreciation and admiration of Qin Dong. “Yes! I didn’t expect Qin Tailong to have such a son.”

Qin Dong smiled slightly, calmly and calmly said, "The predecessors of the month have won the prize, and Qin Donghao does not dare to be!"

Qin Dong’s humility and courtesy, as well as his elegant and generous temperament, earned him a lot of points in the month of Qian Hua, looking at Qin Dong’s eyes, not only full of appreciation, but also the elders’ love for the younger generation.

Although Yue Qian and Shen Daojun are a pair of fairy monks who are well-known in heaven and heaven, it is a pity that the two have never been able to give birth to a child and a woman since they were married. The couple have always regretted it. Under such a state of mind, it is not surprising that Yue Qianhua showed his kindness to Qin Dong.

"Mu Fei, I just can't do anything about it, so I will make this decision and kidnap the Scorpio. I hope you don't blame me." Yue Qianhua is full of apologies to look at Mu Fei.

Too one door from top to bottom, so many masters, Mu Fei is not the most respected is not Xiao Si Teng, but it is the month Qian Hua. Although Qian Qianhua is a woman, the monk is not ambiguous at all. Not only that, but the brilliance of her humanity is the most convincing. This woman, kind-hearted, right-hearted, heart is not clear, can be said to be heavenly heaven, the deserved first female.

When Mu Fei heard it, he hurriedly said, "The behavior of Yuedaoyou, Mu is not fully understood, and it will not be strange!"

Yue Qianhua nodded gratefully, then looked at Qin Dong, saying, "Everything is done, Daojun has all said to me. It is admirable to respect and bear the burden of the world. If it is every monk in Heaven and Heaven, Can you be like this, why can't you break the illusionary orc?"[

As a person with great appeal and influence, Tian Qianhua is able to give Qin Tailong such a high and high evaluation, which makes Qin Dong particularly grateful to her. Because of such evaluation and affirmation, it must be Qin Tailong's dream. And nowadays, most of the monks in heaven and heaven have regarded Qin Tailong as a public enemy. This kind of evaluation is especially precious.

Qin Dong was moved in the heart and hurriedly stood up and looked forward to the moon and a thousand flowers.

When Shen Daojun saw this situation, he couldn't help but utter a long sigh. The faint road "I really hope that the world will be able to understand the sorrows of the people. I will abandon the gaps, seek common ground while reserving differences, unite and reconcile, and resolve this annihilation."

Shen Daojun’s tone is somewhat heavy, because everyone knows that to achieve such a situation, it can be said that the future is long and thorny.

Shaking his head, Shen Daojun said, "Qin Shaoxia, I asked Qian Hua, the reason why the Xiaomen Lord made such a cruel decision was completely tempted by Xuan Tianzi. This hypocrite not only manipulates others with slave contracts, but also for selfishness. At the expense of the unrestrained lives of hundreds of thousands of people, it is simply a matter of heaven!"

Yue Qianhua took the words and said, "It’s not bad! No wonder I have seen Xuan Tianzi since I saw it. I always feel that he is disgusting. He is really a hypocrite, really a villain. I must take his sin. Announced to the public, let him nowhere in the heavens!"

Seeing Shen Daojun and Yue Qianhua both concentrated their anger on Xuan Tianzi's body. Qin Dong's brow wrinkled and said, "Xuan Tianzi is certainly hateful, but Xiao Si Teng is equally disappointing. He bears a good name, is in charge of one side, and is subject to thousands of people. Admiration, it will be tempted by the villain, true and false do not distinguish, right and wrong is not clear, this is one. Taiyi is a master in the sky, snobbish, and is regarded as the heavenly heavenly Taishan Beidou, who is in charge of the world, but ignores the world. Safety, only self-interest, this is two."

Qin Dong's mouth gave Xiao Siteng two major crimes, and let Shen Daojun and Yue Qianhua listen to the battle and eclipse. It’s hard to be done. Qin Dong has been completely irritated. Is it necessary to start Xiao Si Teng? Otherwise, how do you hear these words from his mouth, would it be like asking for a essay?

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