The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1508: Just for the fight! (1)

The first thousand five hundred and eighty chapters are for the fight!

Xuantianzi is about to persuade again, a Taiyi disciple flies into the hall. "The door of the door, Shen, and the two guards of the moon, have already arrived outside the temple."

Xiao Siteng heard a message and said, "Dao Jun and Qian Hua have finally returned. I think the Tuwa people have moved out of the station."

Xuantianzi’s heart is also a joy. As long as the Tuwa people can make room for it, his purpose can be achieved. After all, he and the Tuwa people have no hatred, and they do not have to kill hundreds of thousands of Tuwa people. Absolutely.

"My son, Xuankui, is he coming back?" Xuan Tianzi asked. [

That too a disciple shook his head and said, "I haven't seen Xuan Gongzi, but the two guards have brought Mu Tianyi back."

"Well! This little beast has finally fallen into the hands of this seat. How to punish him in this seat!" I thought that Xiao Rushen wanted to sever his father-daughter relationship with him. All of this is ultimately due to Mu Tianyu, and Xiao Siteng’s heart is inevitably Rising up and anger.

"Strange, Xuankui and Yuedaoyou are acting together. How can they not see him back?" Xuan Tianzi's brow wrinkled, and the faint rise in his heart made a slight uneasiness.

Xiao Si Teng waved his hand and said, "Do not worry, ask if you ask. Go, let the two guards come quickly!"

Not a moment, a footstep sounded, and the number of people seemed to be quite a lot. When Xiao Siteng was frowning, the group had already entered the hall. What surprised Xiao Siteng was that this pedestrian was not a Shen Daojun and Yue Qian Hua, but a young man with a long and handsome body. In addition, Mu Tianyi was not tied to the five flowers as he imagined, but he was very embarrassed, but he was a beautiful bride.

Xiao Stan's face suddenly sinks, and a pair of eyes flashed with brilliance, and it was forced to "Dang Jun, Shen Dao, what is going on?"

Shen Daojun looked a little embarrassed, coughed several times, and did not know how to talk about Xiao Si Teng, frequently to the Qin Dong.

Qin Dong smiled slightly, stood up and confronted Xiao Siteng, and sang "the younger Qin Dong, and met the Xiaomen Lord."

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to speak to me?" Although Qin Dong claimed to be a younger generation, he did not do anything, and he did not do anything. He completely placed himself on the same level as Xiao Siteng. A young man who is not stinky, so big, Xiao Siteng is not natural.

Xiao Siteng’s words collided, and he was very welcome. Shen Daojun and Yue Qian’s heart were secretly anxious, but they did not dare to interject.

Fortunately, Qin Dong does not seem to care about it. In the face of Xiao Siteng’s screaming, the smile on his face is not diminished. It is still the wind and lightness of the wind. It is impressive.

Seeing the performance of Qin Dong, Shen Daojun and Yue Qianhua breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. As long as Qin Dong can maintain restraint, this war will not be able to fight. After all, Xiao Si Teng is a respectable person, and he will definitely be self-respected. Will not fall into a big bully, the first name of the notoriety.

However, the tone of Shen Daojun’s two mouthfuls was not finished yet, and he was stunned by Qin Dong’s next words. Only then did he find that he had the potential to be a smiling tiger. He didn’t look at the appearance of people, but when he said it, it was The wind is cold, and people are like a cold winter.

I only listened to Qin Dong’s slight meal, and said faintly, “The identity of the younger generation is not enough, but it is not free to let people feel free to take it. It’s not a problem. The younger generation is coming today, only for two things. First, take Muzheng Couple, the second is to kiss my brother-in-law, and marry your daughter Xiao Rusei!"

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