The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1517: After explaining the matter? (1)

The first chapter of the five hundred and seventy-seven chapter to explain the aftermath?

Xiao Si Teng remembered what Xiao Rusei had said to him. Miffin's background is not simple. She stands behind an unusually powerful figure. This person even has the power to influence the life and death of Taiyi.

Xiao Rushen’s words, Xiao Stan’s sneer at one time, did not go to the heart at all, only used it as Xiao’s intimidation to him. But now, Xiao Siteng no longer thinks so, especially when he sees Mifen looking at Qin Dong, his eyes are showing a kind of extreme concern, which is even more shocking to his heart. For a moment, it has been determined that the person standing behind Mifen is the young man who has shocked him again and again.

If this is the case, then how should he calm Qin Dong's anger. You know, he almost got the life of Mifen. According to Xiao Rusei’s words, his fault was almost unforgivable in Qindong.

At the moment when Qin Dong released Xianli, he knew that he was not an opponent of Qin Dong, and he was seriously injured now, and it is impossible to stop Qin Dong’s anger. In other words, Qin Dong has enough ability to hit Taiyi. As the gatekeeper of Taiyimen, Xiao Siteng certainly does not want this to happen. However, he was unable to stop it, because it was his various actions that made Taiyimen fall into such a situation. [

Xiao Siteng finally began to regret, regretting why he did not listen to Xiao Ruser’s words. That is his biological daughter, of course, will not harm him. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was so determined, even if it was a hunger strike, threatening him with the threat of life, that is saving his life, saving one too! The irony is that he made Xiao Ruo's flaming filial piety like a fire, even as her wayward. Even more arrogant, to marry her to the shape of the gods, this is clearly to push Xiao Rushen into the fire pit. Thinking of this, Xiao Siteng not only regrets, but also is extremely embarrassing.

Although the injury is very heavy, every move has to endure great pain, and Xiao Siteng still insists on walking to Shen Daojun and Yue Qianhua.

"The doorkeeper, you are so hurt, can't move!" Shen Daojun saw it and rushed forward to help him.

Xiao Stan took a long breath and took Shen Daojun’s hand. At the same time, he looked at the moon and the birch. “Dao Jun, Qian Hua, although you have always been subordinate to yourself, but in my heart, you are mine. brothers and sisters."

I don't understand why Xiao Siteng was talking about this at this time. Shen Daojun and Yue Qianhua face each other and look puzzled.

Xiao Stan went on to say, "I have hoped that you can promise me one thing in our many years of feelings. Even if I am, please."

The performance and discourse of Xiao Siteng at this time is like explaining the aftermath, making Shen Daojun more and more confused. Despite his incomprehensibility, Shen Daojun still said, "Do you say what you said? What are you doing, even though you are told, but if we can do it, we will die!"

Xiao Siteng nodded gratefully, and this slowly said, "This time, I made a big mistake. I will almost send one door to the edge of destruction. All the mistakes are borne by me. I only hope that you two will be able to Well assisted by Russell, she is still young, and there are many places that I don’t understand. I also ask the two to worry a lot."

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