The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1531: Master showdown! (2)

Seeing Gao Xiaoshan's expression excited, Shen Daojun laughed and said, "Miss Gao, you have so distrusted the strength of Qin Zongzhu. The novel list \"target=\"_blank\"class= \"linkcontent\">http://www>

Although Gao Xiaoshan knew that Shen Daojun used the radical method, she still could not help but feel uncomfortable. In her life, the only person who admires is Qin Tailong, who is so arrogant as Shen Daojun?

Gao Xiaoshan bites his silver teeth and stalks the sword. He sneer and sneer. "You are right, what about you going to the next day? This gamble, the last loss must be you!"

When Shen Daojun and Gao Xiaoshan spoke, Xiao Stan was rushing all the way, leading Qin Tailong, and gradually disappeared into the vision of everyone.

"Damn! When are you going to escape?" Qin Tailong is more impatient, and can't help but scream. [

"Ha ha ha ... is your own repair is not good, can not catch up with me, how can you blame me in turn?" Xiao Si Teng flew while running, while still have leisurely feelings, turned around to ridicule Qin Tailong some, straight to Qin Tailong gas enough.

Originally, there was still scruples. As a result, Qin Tailong no longer took care of that. He had a body shape and a flat palm. The nine purple lotuses around him were screaming at the same time, and the speed was extremely fast. As a smoky pursuit of Xiao Si Teng.

The Jiulian Festival is one of the best in heaven and heaven. Qin Tailong's hairpin, Xiao Siteng suddenly felt the infinite pressure, squeezed from the direction of all directions, even his own proud body, it is also a stagnation, the speed plummeted.

"Haha... Qin brother, are you angry?" Xiao Siteng laughed a few times, and his men did not dare to sneer, and the palms danced wildly, and the powerful spiritual power of the roads filled the surrounding area, forming only a glimmer of light. The flashing big net, the volley unfolds, and scatters toward the nine purple lotuses of Qin Tailong.

Xiao Siteng’s spiritual power is like a net, but the nine purple giant lotuses released by Qin Tailong are by no means the fish that struggles in the net. In fact, Xiao Siteng’s spiritual network only controls nine purple lotuses for a while. Crash, broken by nine purple smelters.

However, Xiao Siteng originally did not intend to use this net of spiritual power to smash nine purple giant lotuses. We must know that the Jiulian Festival has been cultivated to such a high level as Qin Tailong. Each purple giant lotus is equivalent to a weapon of the gods. It is infinitely powerful and cannot be easily defeated. What Xiao Si Teng needs is only this moment. When the nine purple giant lotuses are covered by the spiritual network, Xiao Siteng’s figure suddenly increases by a hundred times. When he suddenly, he shot at the side of Qin Tailong, followed by Zhang, knee-slapped to the waist side of Qin Tailong, this is the real purpose of Xiao Stan.

At this time, the nine purple giant lotuses just broke through the net of spiritual power, and it was too late to recover. It was like a crocodile with a belly facing the sky, exposing the weakest part of it.

It’s just that Qin Tailong is not comparable to a crocodile. It’s not so easy for Xiao Si Teng to take advantage of this. Xiao Siteng’s palm was only halfway out of the way. When there was still a distance from the waist of Qin Tailong, an unusually powerful spiritual force suddenly went from the bottom to the top.

Xiao Si Teng looked a little shocked and looked down. It turned out that Qin Tailong’s legs were drawn to him like a whip. Xiao Siteng was confident that he could grab Qin Tailong before being swept in the leg, but he did not grasp the fact that he could withdraw in time after hitting Qin Tailong. If he was hard to be affected by Qin Tailong, his injury would not be lighter than Qin Tailong... ...

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