The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1541: Shaping is injured! (1)

The first thousand five hundred and forty-one chapter Shaping was injured!

"Shaping, is that person really your biological father? He... How can he be so fierce to you, so mean?" Mifen was still indignant at this time, could not help but scream. Fiction list \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

Shaping’s look was bitter, shaking his head and muttering. “It’s okay, I... I’m used to it.”

"This... you can get used to it? If you change me, don't light his beard!" Mifen became more angry.

"Hey!" Mifen's voice just fell, and there was a scorn on the side. It turned out that Ma Lao was dissatisfied with Miffin's words. [

Mifen was on the spur of the air, and originally wanted to rush a few words together with Ma Lao, and Qin Dong stopped his eyes with his eyes.

"You don't want to borrow, come with me!" Ma Lao's attitude toward the Qin Dong trio was a bit cold. After listening to Miffin's slamming of Shaping's father's words, it was cold like ice. If you say it, naturally there is no warmth.

Muffin and Zhuanghu are suffocating, but Qin Dong is not convinced. Chongma smiled and nodded, and said to Shaping Road, "Sha Xi, we will leave early tomorrow morning, and then come back to you."

Shaping nodded immediately and said, "I will personally give the three practitioners tomorrow morning."

Declared Shaping, Qin Dong three people followed Ma Lao, all the way to turn, and finally came to the three inconspicuous short rooms. Qin Dong took the eye, the good guys, these three low-rise houses are definitely the most simple and old in all the houses of Shajia. Those who don’t know will be treated as a utility room.

The rooms are dilapidated and the furnishings are simple. There is only one bed in each room, a table, a crumbling chair, and nothing else. But fortunately, it is still clean, unlike the imagination of Qin Dong, the dust is flying all over the sky.

"Here is the most inferior servant of Shajia. You can make a night here." Ma Lao is straightforward. I don't know if I am interested in disgusting Qin Dong.

Qin Dong knew that Mifen and Zhuanghu would get angry again. They said to Ma Lao before the two. "Thank you."

Ma Lao looked at Qin Dong with his eyes slanted, and looked at the look slightly surprised, probably did not expect that Qin Dong was so young, he could have such a temperament.

"Thank you no longer, since the three are friends of the young master, it is reasonable for you to use the accommodation. However, the Sha family is no better than other families. Everything has rules. Although you are a guest, you can't be exceptional. After the night, you are not allowed to be free. Walking, it is best to stay in the room, don't even leave the door. After dawn, leave immediately!"

"Yes! We all remembered your words." Qin Dong slightly decapitated, smiled.

"Remember it! Please don't bother yourself." Leave this sentence, Ma Laoyi slammed his hands and turned away.

Miffin is really rare for people who are so arrogant and rude. When he left, Muffin couldn't help but blame "Brother, good end, why do you want to stay here and suffer from this?"

Zhuang Hu obviously has the same feeling and nodded on the side.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "The rootless flower is extraordinary, extremely precious, and Shaping does not have any martial arts. Since we have run into it, we can't sit back and ignore it. It is the minimum to safely **** him home. This is the point. What is wrong with grievances? It’s not worth mentioning compared to one’s life.”

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