The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1557: There is a way! (2)

Mr. Ling gave a slight glimpse and turned his eyes on Shaping’s body for a few laps. He asked Yang Shangfei, “Who is this person?”

Not waiting for Yang Shangfei to answer, Shaping snorted and loudly said, "My name is Shaping!"

"Shaping? Are you the son of the chasing tycoon Changshatong?" Mr. Ling's eyes were clearly lit up.


Shaping’s answer, Mr. Ling was immediately full of excitement and yelled at Yang Shangfei and said, “Yang’s patriarch, it seems that I misunderstood you. Shatong’s son is in your hand, why he doesn’t want everything. And the tray out? Hahaha... The Yang patriarch is doing something, really good!"[

"Mr. Ling is going to use Shaping as a bargaining chip. Want to smash the sand pass?" Yang Shangfei looked at Mr. Ling with an unexpected look. Perhaps he did not expect that he could come up with such a solution.

Mr. Ling vibrates "Good! Shatong only has this son, don't hesitate to do it!"

"There is no reason! Mr. Ling, what do you think of Yang Shangfei as a person? I can't do this kind of villain!"

Mr. Ling sighs "Yang patriarch, when is this, you still care about these illusions? Do you want to watch your only daughter and die like this?"

Mr. Ling’s mind is not as deep as the general, and the psychology of picking up people is also extremely accurate. This sentence is poking the key to Yang Shangfei.

Seeing that Yang Shangfei’s expression was quickly dimmed, Qin Dong laughed and laughed. “The Yang patriarch does not need to feel embarrassed. To save Miss Yang, why bother? I have my own way!”

When Qin Dong’s words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed dramatically. Yang Shangfei seems to have lifted his head like an electric shock, and his eyes are full of surprises and excitement.

Shaping seems to have heard the Scorpio, and one step rushed to the front of Qin Dong. His eyes were fixed on Qin Dong, because he was so excited that he was stuttering. "Mr. Qin, really have Can the way save my heart?"

At this time, Qin Dong’s face was no longer heavy and doubtful. The first smile on his face was “Of course!”

"Brother! have a way, why don't you say it early, everyone who is hurting is worried about it!" Mifen was also happy, and said with a small mouth.

Qin Dong haha ​​smiled, did not speak, just looked at Mr. Ling.

"Boy, you are so vocal, you are not afraid to be exposed on the spot?" Mr. Ling's faint road.

"There is no diamond drill, no porcelain work. Since I dare to save Miss Yang in your face, naturally I am not afraid to be exposed by you." Qin Dong's voice is light, but it reveals incomparable confidence, let Ling's The eyes became extremely complicated in a flash. No longer as contemptuous as before, but it is more suspicious, and there are concerns.

"Mr. Qin, what do you need, I am going to prepare for it!" Yang Shangfei couldn't take care of that many at this time, and asked Qin Dong urgently.

Qin Dong waved his hand and smiled. "You don't need it. You just have to go out, just leave Fen's one to help me."

"We are all going out?" Yang Shangfei wanted to stay and watched Qin Dong cure Yang Xin, which seemed hesitant.

Mr. Ling sneered, and said, "Boy, what kind of trick do you want to play? You let us all go out, it would not be bad for Miss Yang?"

Mr. Ling’s words, Qin Dong disdain to respond, just turned his attention to Yang Shangfei, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Everyone goes out!" After a brief thought, Yang Shangfei turned his head and said firmly to Zhuang Hu, Sha Ping and Mr. Ling. [

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