The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1561: Sister and brother! (2)

At this time, the mysterious woman's voice has not been sharp and severe, and she has three more self-deprecating and three more gentle.

"Predecessors are very kind, let me wait for a horse, I am very grateful!" Qin Dong smiled slightly and raised his voice.

"Young people, do you know that your situation at this time is really dangerous, and life is only necessary. I really can’t bear to see you when you are young, you will suffer this disaster, and you can’t bear to watch him re-create the killing. So, you must go, and be quick, it’s too late to come!"

"Predecessors, I heard it, you are a good intention, let us leave so unclear, it is a bit unreasonable. Besides, Miss Yang has not fully recovered, how can we leave?"

"Life is alive, if everything has to be understood, not only will it be very hard to live, but it will also attract the murder of the body at any time. As for Miss Yang, there is me, I will definitely find a way to cure her, you should not worry. !"[

"Predecessors said that it is reasonable, but when I am born, I like to understand everything. Oh... This is brought by the mother, I am afraid I can’t change it. The good intentions of the seniors, I am afraid that the younger ones have to Disappointing."

"You young man, why don't you listen to it? Do you have to see the coffin before you regret it?" Seeing Qindong oil and salt does not enter, how can you say no, the mysterious woman is obviously anxious, shouting.

"Sister! Is it you?" The voice of the mysterious woman has not yet landed, and Mr. Ling’s figure will follow the wind.

"Brothers!?" When I saw Mr. Ling, the mysterious woman was shocked and refused to hide her body shape. It floated from a luxuriant canopy not far from Qindong. I do not know whether it is intentional or unintentional, just fell in front of Qin Dong three people, separated them from Mr. Ling.

"Today I went to the room of the three of them, but found that they were not in the room at all. I thought they were running. I didn't expect that you were called by the sister." The mask on Mr. Ling's face, in the moonlight, It is very daunting to flash the gloomy white light.

"Senior brother, enough, don't kill any more." The woman who was called the sister of Ling, subconsciously opened her arms, like the mother bird of the nurse, keeping the three of Qin Dong behind, while using a tone of pleading. Said to Mr. Ling.

"No matter what you do, let go!" Mr. Ling's eyes were sharp and screaming.

"No! You have enough people to kill, I can't allow you to continue this way!" The mysterious woman seemed to be very painful, and her body was always shaking.

"Sister, why do you want to be against me like this?" Mr. Ling's tone suddenly softened. It seems that after his fierce eyes, he did not completely abandon the friendship of his brothers.

"Because I can't look at you with my eyes, I am wrong again!"

"You always say that I am wrong, but where am I wrong? Do I have to take revenge, is it wrong? I should be bullied and be framed? No! I am not wrong, they are wrong, not me!" Mr. Ling suddenly It became very excited and full of anger, and the snoring echoed under the night, full of creepy atmosphere.

"I...I..." The mysterious woman seems to have been asked by Mr. Ling's series of questions. I don't know how to answer it. I just shake my head and my eyes are full of unspeakable bitterness and sadness.

"Hahaha... Why don't you talk? Do you think I'm right?" Seeing the mysterious woman hesitating, Mr. Ling laughed aloud.

The head of the mysterious woman is more urgent, but it is hard to know how to serve Mr. Ling. The look is full of anxiety and sorrow.

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