The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1564: Shoot and save! (2)

Although Qin Dong has never been ruined, but whoever is a monk, who is not horrible? Once the fire is gone, one's mind will be completely lost, no longer the master of spiritual power, but will become a slave to spiritual power. It’s not easy to be able to control your body like Mr. Ling. This requires a strong and awesome willpower to do it.

Mr. Ling can find this moment of Qingming, I am afraid that in addition to his amazing willpower, there is love for mysterious women. Love is really between the heavens and the earth, the most powerful and the most strange power. If this is not the case, Qin Dong’s chaotic **** ring will not rely on the power of love to open.

"No! I will never leave you, never!" The mysterious woman was very determined. Not only did she not seize this rare opportunity to leave, but she leaned forward and leaned against Mr. Ling.

"No! Don't come over, don't!" Seeing the mysterious woman leaning towards herself, Mr. Ling was shocked, and hurriedly and nervously stepped back a few steps, trying to keep a distance from the mysterious woman, so as not to hurt her. .

However, he was too nervous and obviously ignored his situation at this time. He can control the ice dragon with such a strong willpower. It is already a miracle. Where can he get a little bit of distraction? Only a little backwards, he managed to gain control of the body and declared his loss. But listening to a very violent snoring, resounding through the sky, that ice dragon, once again clawed and clawed. [

In the eyes of the mysterious woman, only Mr. Ling did not pay attention to the ice dragon. The sudden start of the ice dragon suddenly involved her in an extremely cold and extremely dangerous situation.

I saw a huge ice dragon, rotating a huge figure, and it was the cover of the mysterious woman. The dragon kept releasing the milky cold air, and kept splashing from the mysterious woman in all directions. Pressure.

The mysterious woman at this time, in the eyes of Qin Dong and others, is like a prey that has been entangled in a huge body with a huge body, and is squeezed a little bit until the bones of the whole body are crushed.

The mysterious woman did not give up on this, and the body kept releasing the purple-red aura, like a shield, covering the whole body, resisting the ice dragon. However, her spiritual power is much different from that of the ice dragon. Although the purple red light is still insisting, it is obviously shrinking.

At this time, the mysterious woman was desperate, and Qin Dong no longer hesitated, and her body shape rose to the sky. A wave of the right palm, a golden light, like a blade, swept across. Just listening to the bang, the golden light hit the ice dragon.

Before that, the ice dragon that was arrogant and unassuming, the body suddenly shook, and it suddenly broke. After Qin Dong swept away, the ice of the ice that had been spattered from the ice dragon was suddenly wrapped in a tornado and flew far away. Qin Dong's physique followed suit, reaching out and holding the mysterious woman, and swept back to the original place.

The whole movement of Qin Dong is lightning fast and clean. So that the mysterious woman is out of danger, but still do not know. I feel that someone is close to my body, and subconsciously releases the purple-red spirit and wants to resist.

The golden light of Qin Dong’s body flashed, and the spiritual power released by the mysterious woman was defeated. At the same time, he whispered, “Don’t be nervous, it’s me!”

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