The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1571: It was originally made by people! (2)

Qin Dong shook his head and said, "Yang patriarch, you are indeed wrong. You not only harmed Xu’s predecessors, but also harmed your daughter. If Xu’s predecessors hate the wrong person, he will not use Ms. Yang to retaliate. His two brothers."

"Yes! It's all my fault, I blame me badly!" Qin Dong said, Yang Shangfei is even more embarrassed and can't help himself.

Qin Dong reached out and helped him up. "Oh! People who can make mistakes in this life? Seeing pity in the sky, although Xu’s predecessors have suffered a lot, but finally they are suffering. It’s not like this old age. Let it dissipate with the wind."

Xu Lingfeng wiped his tears and turned to look at Yang Shangfei. "Yang brothers, you don't have to blame yourself again. If you want to come here for decades, you will not feel at ease. Even if it is a big mistake, decades of punishment. It is enough. Let us, as Mr. Qin said, let everything go."

"So, Xu seniors... You forgive me?" [

Xu Lingfeng smiled and nodded at Yang Shangfei, saying, "What I want to do now is to go to see my two brothers. For more than 30 years, three of our brothers and sisters have also been reunited."

On the side of the flower, Qian Zijiao snorted and deliberately took the three-point dissatisfaction. "Okay, let's reunite three of your brothers and sisters. Then, what about my sister? Are there any me in your eyes?"

Xu Lingfeng’s heart is very smooth, haha’s smile. “Of course, it’s not going to drop you a good sister! I must have missed you, two brothers.”

Xu Lingfeng said that the nose of a thousand purple flowers could not help but be sour, and the tears rolled down. Why didn't she want her two brothers?

All of this is exactly what Qin Dong is happy to see. The three brothers and brothers have contradicted each other. Presumably, the situation in which Ssangyong will fight for the Ssangyong for decades will be completely changed. The united and united Ssangyong will surely become a powerful force against the illusionary orcs.

"Xu Big Brother, I want to go with you! I want to apologize to both of them and receive punishment!" Yang Shangfei said resolutely.

When Xu Lingfeng was hesitant, a sudden sound like a yellow singer came out of the door. "Hey, where are you going?"

Everyone looked back and saw that Shaping was holding Yang Xin’s hand and came in from the outside.

This young couple is really right, male and female, is simply a living portrayal of the match.

Qin Dong haha ​​smiled. "The Yang patriarch is going to see the president, and by the way, discuss the marriage between the two of you."

"Marriage?" Qin Dong's sentence, let Yang Xin blush, and quickly hang down the dagger. Shaping is a very surprised expression, full of incredulous look to Yang Shangfei.

In order to pass this level of Yang Shangfei, Shaping has made all the preparations, and even the determination to make a living is gone. However, Wan did not expect that, before he had waited for him, Yang Shangfei took the initiative to go to Dowan to discuss his marriage with Yang Xin. Such a big and sudden change made Shaping somewhat unprepared and even afraid to believe immediately. .

Once the three divisions and brothers misunderstood, all the enmity and grievances will disappear, and the contradiction between the chasing and the Yueyu will naturally be solved. The marriage between Shaping and Yang Xin is even more natural, and it is natural. Therefore, Qin Dong will go to see Wan Wanhong, saying that it is a marriage with Dou Wanhong to discuss Shaping and Yang Xin. There is nothing wrong with it, so Yang Shangfei nodded with a smile...

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