The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1578: The sun is banned! (2)

The spiritual power of these hundreds of different attributes, a considerable part of which is almost the existence of the enemy. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

Qin Dong is grateful to the blond man who has the power of chaos. For these ordinary spiritual powers, there are too few previous concerns and poor understanding. If you don't see the ‘Rising Sun ban’, he will never believe that these ordinary spiritual powers, through reasonable matching, can form such a terrible attack. It was also inspired by the ‘Rising Sun ban’ that Qin Dong could use the same method to condense the two weak spiritual powers and solve the danger of Xu Lingfeng and Hua Qian Zi.

Here I have to mention Qin Dong’s strong metamorphosis. In just a short period of time, he understood the biggest meaning of the ‘the hot sun ban’, only two words, that is – balance.

The spiritual power of various attributes, mutual restraint, balance, and coexistence, thus exerting a terrible attack power of one plus one equals ten. Among them, achieving balance is the most critical and the most difficult part.

However, because it is a balance that allows the ‘the sun to ban’ to release a powerful attack, it has also become an important node for cracking the ‘the sun ban.’ As long as this balance is destroyed, the spiritual power of various attributes will be consumed by each other, and the ‘the sun will be banned’ will not be broken. [

Just to break the balance system formed by the ‘the sun’s ban,’ we must add another balance system. The additional balance system must first be fully disguised, at least acceptable to the original balance system, or it will be bounced off or destroyed directly. To do this, we must first understand how the balance system of the 'Silver Circles' is composed of spiritual forces, their composition ratio and the orbit of operation, and then use the gourd paintings to take advantage of the world. The different attributes of the heaven and earth aura, condensed into the corresponding spiritual power, copied a similar balance system, as a camouflage of the new balance system, the new balance system was cleverly embedded.

All this is easy to say, but it is hard to get up. Not to mention how to figure out the balance system of the 'Silver Circle', even if it is clear, there are a few people who can take the aura of the different attributes that travel between the heavens and the earth, and then condense them into spiritual powers of different attributes, and then Are they blended together according to specific rules?

This not only requires a powerful control of the heavens and the earth, but also requires sophisticated calculations and full planning. The reason why the blond man is so confident in the ‘the sun’s ban’ is not arrogant.

"Mr. Qin, this is really too risky, you still..." Xu Lingfeng's mood at this time is very complicated and contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes that Qin Dong can rescue Doo Wanhong and Jiang Haotian, and on the other hand he is worried about getting on the blond man. If Qin Dong is going all out, the blond man suddenly launches a sneak attack, and the consequences are undoubtedly terrible.

Qin Dong shook his head, but gently said, "Let me see death and not save, I can't do it." After that, he turned and walked toward Dou Wanhong and Jiang Haotian without hesitation.

After listening to Qin Dong’s words and his unparalleled pace, Xu Lingfeng’s heart was so touched. I took a long breath, no longer said more, and spent thousands of purple, one after the other, sandwiched the blond man in the middle, playing a 12-point vigilance, once the blond man had any misbehavior, it was broken bones, also To stop him from attacking Qin Dong.

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