The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1600: West Miao Guannan! (2)

Qin Dong shook his head and did not answer Miffin's words. Miao Tao put his hand on the big voice. "No matter what the reason is, there is no goddess, there is no recovery of the **** tree. We Dong Miao people can not hesitate to protect the goddess." Pay all the price!"

"Ha ha ha ... paying for the help of the full-fledged woman, turned out to be the goddess of your Dong Miao nationality, it is ridiculous! I think your Dong Miao nationality is mixed." With a burst of laughter, a group of people, staring at the night The cover, the speed is approaching.

You don't have to look at each other's faces, just listening to laughter, it is enough to let Miao Tao know the identity of the other party. I saw that his face suddenly condensed, and he sighed "Kuan Nan, deep in the middle of the night, what do you come to my Dong Miao?"

"What? What? Hey... take the fugitive!" Guan Nan brought people to the front, not very tall, but very strong, about 40 or 50 years old, his face is cold and cold, it is not a good look The role of Yu.

"Family! The fugitives from our Dong Miao nationality, the people who take you will roll fast!" To Guannan, Miao Tao showed great indignation and hatred, shouting. [

"There are no fugitives, it is not that you have the final say, we have to wait until we have searched before we know!" Guan Nan apparently did not regard Miao Tao as an opponent of the same magnitude as himself. He spoke and was full of sarcasm.

"There is no reason for this! We are the Dong Miao nationality, can you search for the Xi Miao people?"

Listening to Miao Tao's identity as the other party, Qin Dongfang was stunned. In the face of killing the enemy, who can not be indignant?

Miao Tao said as she pulled out the same thing from her arms, and threw her hand into the air, and there was a burst of fire, reflecting a fireworks. Miao Tao was very alert, and saw each other coming from the cover of the night. I immediately thought that the other party wanted a night attack, so I immediately signaled the police.

Although Miao Tao's movements are concealed quickly, they can't stop it. At least in Qin Dong's view, this Guannan's cultivation has reached the level of eight. To prevent the five-level Miao Tao from sending signals, It's a breeze, but the strange thing is that Guannan didn't stop it, just with a sneer, letting Miao Tao release the signal.

The sound of the signal, completely shredded the silence of the night, and fell into sleep, the Dong Miao nationality, immediately woke up, accompanied by a burst of snoring, the old patriarch Miao Tian put a large number of Dong Miao masters, rushed .

Before I left, I heard the snoring of Miao Tianfang coming from the air. "Hey! The old man knows that you are not good, this time you have something to say!"

Qin Dong could not help but make a bitter smile. This old man really didn't want to see himself. The spearhead did not point to Guannan, but he first pointed to himself.

When Miao Tian plunged to the front and stabilized his body shape, he discovered that Guan Nan was standing on the side like a smile.

"Guannan, how big is your courage, I want to attack my Dongmiao in the night?" After a slight glimpse, Miao Tian magnified and screamed.

Guan Nan sneered, "My courage is big, and you are not magnified by Miao Tian! You can dare to hide the fugitives who have been hand-picked by the Lord. It can be said to be daring!"

"Nonsense! You can't take this unwarranted charge to our Dong Miao people!" Miao Tian immediately angered.

It’s a matter of great importance. Once this incident is revealed, the Dong Miao will be in trouble. Miao Tianfang originally wanted Miao Tao to take Qin Feiyan out of the Dong Miao nationality and find a hidden place to hide. Wan did not expect that Miao Tao would be stared by the three brothers in the middle. Fortunately, Qin Dong appeared in time, annihilating the three brothers of Cheng, and did not let this matter spread. Unexpectedly, Guannan would come to the door overnight, and when he spoke, he said that the Dongmiao Miao people had hidden Qin Feiyan, which really surprised Miao Tian.

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