The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1606: Spring shadow! (1)

The first thousand six hundred and sixty chapter spring shadow!

"Miao Tianfang, why don't you talk?" See Miao Tian put silent, and Guan Nan smiles more and more brilliant.

Miao Tianfang seems to have made a decision. The slightly hanged head suddenly swelled up, his eyes screaming with raging fire, and his voice was firm as iron. "The surname is Guan, the goddess is the benefactor of our Miaodong people, even if we are Those who have a head and blood, must also protect people! Even if ... even if it is the life of the whole people, we will never regret it!"

When Miao Tianfang put it, Qin Dong was greatly moved. In order to save Qin Feiyan, Miao Tianfang is willing to abandon the life of all Miaodong tribes. What kind of kindness is this? Qin Dong has never been grateful to a person like this, his gaze, and he looked straight at Miao Tianfang.

"Stupid!" Guan Nan was disdainful and grinned. [

Miao Tian put a grin and smile, cold road "However, before dying, I must first kill you this dog thief! Otherwise, even if it is to the Yin Cao government, our grandparents will not be peaceful."

In a word, Miao Tian put his wrists to shake, and there was an extra foot in the palm of his hand, but the cold light flickered, and the sharp shorts of the sharpness were shining in the moonlight. It was not a product at first glance.

It may be that he felt the murderousness of Miao Tian’s rapid ascent, and the shortness of his hands. Guan Nan’s original expression of smugness was obviously stagnant, and his muscles were stretched. His eyes were even more stunned. Keeping a close eye on the short squat, I dare not move the minutes. It seems that once his eyes leave, this short will easily take his life.

"The surname of Miao, the spring shadow girl will arrive soon, do you want to kill me in front of her face?"

Miao Tian gave a sneer, and said coldly, "It’s always a death!"

When the sound fell, I didn’t know what kind of law was raised by Miao Tian. The short hair in his hand seemed to have come alive, and it made a burst of humming sounds. At the same time, the snowy light was like a sneak peek. , and kept spreading around. And with the spread of it, there is also a stock of Sen Han's blood that seems to be frozen and terrible.

This short slap can make such a terrible power, and its coming is definitely not simple. The sharp blade and the whole body of Miao Tianfang are repaired, which is equal to the cold light of the sky, and the murderous machine. Miao Tianfang's eyes are obviously doubled than before, and the body's spiritual power is running wildly.

"Go to hell!" Miao Tianfang finally released a short slap. Although his roar sounded to shake the heavens and the earth, he still couldn’t conceal the sharp sound of the short smashing when he flew, which is clearly the call of death, even if the light is Listening is enough to be creepy.

"Not good!" Guan Nan screamed, his body squatting backwards, and his palms madly pulled out. With a slap in the face, it embodies almost all of his spiritual power, and lays down dozens of obstacles along the way, trying to block the short edge.

However, this short-selling committee is really unstoppable. It is simply unstoppable and unstoppable. It only listens to the sound of cymbals, and it continues to be continuous. The short shackles carry an imposing momentum, just like going through the thin paper to Guannan. Layers of palm power, one by one breakthrough.

Guan Nan was shocked, and the spiritual power of the body flowed out like water. The body was accelerated to the extreme, and he could never get rid of the threat of shortness. Seeing the short distance is only one step away from him. When Guannan is almost desperate, a white light, like a lightning bolt that cuts through the night sky, slams, falls from the sky, and just hits the short squat.

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