The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1617: Really moving! (2)

Mifen was shocked and busy holding Qin Feiyan’s hand and asked in a hurry, “Flying Yan Yan, what are you doing?”

"I..." Qin Feiyan did not know what to say, only the deep regret.

Uh... Just at this moment, a knock on the door rang.

Miffin looked amazed and smiled. "It must be that my brother is back. I am going to open the door!"

"No! I am going to open!" Qin Feiyan took Mifen. [

"But your body..."

Mifen wanted to discourage Qin Feiyan, but Qin Feiyan simply did not listen, could not help but say, just from the bed. When I came to the door and opened the door, I could not help but be disappointed. It is not Qin Dong who stands outside the door, but Miao Tianfang.

"Oh... Qin girl, this is Qin Shaoxia's medicine for you. This bowl of medicine is not simple, it contains nine kinds of the most precious complement fairy grass. I don't know how much he spent on Qin Shaoxia. Find it. This kind of medicine, keeping it will make you recover as soon as possible!"

"Qin Dong? Where is he?" Qin Feiyan glared at a pair of Fengmu, and let Miao Tian put some hair.

"Qin Shaoxia is in the kitchen, what happened?"

When Miao Tianfang’s words were not finished, Qin Feiyan’s whole person had already turned into a fragrant wind and swept past him. Miao Tian put a glimpse first, then wanted to understand what it looked like, hehe laughed.

"What happened to Feiyan sister? Is it strange?" Mifen chased the room and looked at the figure of Qin Feiyan flying. He was about to catch up, but was stopped by Miao Tianfang in time.

There is no one in the kitchen. Only Qin Dong quietly guards a pot of steaming hot air. Qin Dong has never been as focused as this time, with a pair of eyes, almost one inch without leaving the herbs that are rolling in the pot. That kind of concentration and care, as if he is squatting is not a herb, but a bomb that can explode at any time. Even if there was sweat on his forehead, he wouldn't stop and wipe it.

When Qin Feiyan went to the kitchen and saw this scene, the tears immediately rolled silently, wet the chest and wet the earth. What qualification does she have to question Qin Dong’s love for him? If this is not love, then where will there be true feelings?

After hearing the movement behind him, Qin Dong’s eyes still did not leave the pot, just asked “Miao Lao, trouble you, did she drink the medicine? Although the medicine is bitter, the curative effect is very good... ..."

Qin Dong flipped the herb in the pot, and said to himself, the deepest love that condensed in it, as if the sun in March, every corner of Qin Feiyan’s heart is warm. of.

"The medicine is bitter, can you suffer again, and can you suffer from your heart?" Qin Feiyan muttered.

Qin Dong’s body suddenly became stiff. After a while, he turned around with a smile on his face. “The good medicine is bitter. If you want your body to get better soon, you have to eat some bitterness. But you don’t have to Worried, I have prepared lotus seeds, you see, it will be fine."

Qin Dong pointed to another pot next to him, and it was actually carrying a lotus seed that was as white as jade.

Qin Feiyan shook her head and stared at Qin Dong’s eyes, muttering. “When are you going to marry me? Why do you not blame yourself when you blame you?”

Qin Dongyu smiled and said, "Is there any good defense? You blame it right, I am late. Just like this time, if I can save you early, you don't have to suffer this time." Yes, I am sorry for you and Li Yebing, no matter how you blame me, it should be. Isn't it?"

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