The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1644: Killing the air! (1)

Seeing that Qian Fei was covered by a rain-like fist, Wu Tian could sit still and ignore it. The tiger screamed and was about to go forward to save the car. But before he got there, he suddenly saw it. Blackwater helped the thugs, and the ghosts and screaming screamed and flew out. Book bag network \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://shubaowang>

Wu Tian’s heart was shocked, and he fixed his eyes and saw that under the fat body of Qian Fei, he often found a fist and a foot. Under the cover of Qian Fei, this fist is very secretive, it is not easy to notice, and those black water helpers are precisely because of this, only one of the tricks.

Wu Tianxin was so determined that he was arrogant about the five bodies that Liu Shunzi admired. He didn’t see it. Qian Fei and Qin Dong were in harmony with each other, and they were seamless and perfect.

More than a dozen black water helpers, before and after half a cup of tea, they were all settled and lay down. It seems that this kind of cooperation is not only seamless, but also powerful. Wu Tianxin made a decision and grinned.

Liu Shunzi is wide-eyed, and his face is demented. It is obviously not shocked. [

"Helping the Lord, I didn't expect you to be so tacit with the Qindong Brothers, and the cooperation was so good!" Wu Tian sighed and rushed up and pulled Qianfei from the ground.

"Cooperate with you mlgeb!" Qian Fei is going crazy at this time. Although he only has half a cup of tea, he can't do dozens of punches. At this time, there is no inch of skin and no pain. The bones are not ringing. With a taste of the shelf, he tasted it once and for all.

Roaring Wu Tian's sentence, he was still lying on the ground in Qindong. I think that compared with my own wolf, Qin Dong is still so sleek and calm, except for some dust, there is no one in Mao.

Under the gaze of Qianfei’s spurt of fire, Qin Dong stood up from the ground and slammed the dust off the body. The good road, "Oh, my mood is better, not so irritating." ""

"Then, don't you ask me how I feel?" Qian Fei's teeth biting and squeaking, it sounded like a straight hair.

"You are not my wife, I am in control of how you feel!"

"The surname Qin, you deceive too much!" Qian Fei broke out, the volcano is general.

Qin Dong looked at him, then shook his head with a sympathetic, silently passing by him. Qian Fei only felt a cool breeze blowing, and all the volcanoes and horses disappeared. There is only one voice in my heart that keeps yelling, "Remember, this cargo can't afford it!"

"You made me very disappointed!" Qin Dong came to Liu Shunzi and stared at his eyes, saying one word at a time.

Liu Shunzi's nose was sour, and the tears almost flowed out. Not to mention that Qin Dong was disappointed with him. He was also very disappointed with himself. In a good situation, how can I let myself mess up?

"You... don't go too far. The mountain doesn't turn around, and one day it will turn to your head, so I advise you, don't do things too hard, leave yourself a back road, in the future... !"

The words of Liu Shunzi have not been finished yet, and Qin Dong’s feet are on his chest. With a scream of screaming, Liu Shunzi flew three feet, then drawn a beautiful parabola, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Small five sons are you injured?" Qin Dong did not hesitate to join in the past, asked indifferent expression.

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