The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1645: Cai Jing and Uya! (1)

"Little brother, do you know a woman named Yan Yurou?" Qin Dong indulged for a moment and suddenly turned his head and asked Qian Fei. /First / Send www>

"Yan Yurou?" Qian Fei squatted in his heart several times and shook his head.

Qin Dong frowned and said, "I am going to the three districts!"

"Go to the three districts? You are crazy! Just because of our three repairs, I am afraid that I have been eaten by the spirit beasts without going out of the second district, let alone going to the three districts." Qin Dong’s voice fell. Qian Fei shouted exaggeratedly.

Wu Tian is also wide-eyed, and obviously thinks that Qin Dong’s idea is too crazy. [

Qin Dong looked at Qian Fei, with a look of contempt and a screaming voice. "I didn't expect it. My Qin Dong's younger brother, the courage is so small, I really lost my face!"

"I lost your face?" Qian Fei almost smashed up, and squeezed out the roots on his forehead, instantly annoyed to the extreme, pointing to Qin Dong's nose and screaming "You have just broken through the congenital rookie, Actually said that I lost your face?"

Seeing that the money is furious, Qin Zhen feels very fun. A big meat ball is coming and going, and it is really very happy. As for what Qian Fei is clamoring for, Qin Dong has no interest and does not care.

Seeing Qin Dong's eyes gradually drifting up and down, Qian Fei became more and more annoyed, screaming, "It is obvious that your own brain is not normal, and there is no mixed area in one area, just think about mixing the three districts, but dare to say that we are courageous. I tell you, you are looking for death. If you go by yourself, don't drag us down!"

"You really don't go?" Qin Dong asked his face.

"Don't you understand what I said? I said I will not go, don't go!"

"Well, I will go by myself." Qin Dong shrugged his shoulders and turned and walked to the third district.

"You crazy, you have to commit suicide, why bother to do so, wipe your neck!" Qian Fei rushed to the back of Qin Dong, gnashing his teeth.

Qin Dong did not answer, and even his head refused to return, but he turned his back to the money and waved his hand, and his footsteps kept going.

"Hey! Do you really want to die?" Qian Fei shouted, Qin Dong still ignored.

"Help the Lord, what should I do?" Wu Tianwang asked Qian Fei, he was dumb.

Qian Fei was crazy, his hands slammed his hair, and he yelled in the sky, "Scorpio! What did I do for the unforgivable things in my life?!"

Wu Tian looked at Qian Fei and laughed. Qian Fei’s stunned him and angered “Laughter, you have to accompany me to die!”

Wu Tianxi smiled and spit out four words "Happy to be!"

"I see you **** is also a madman!" Qian Fei screamed and screamed, "Don't be stupid, don't hurry!"

Qin Dong knew that Qian Fei would catch up. He didn’t go very fast. He heard footsteps coming from behind him. Looking back, it was Qian Fei’s black face chasing him. He couldn’t help but smile and ask, “Are you not going? How do you change your mind?"

Money flicked at him, biting his lips and spitting out two words "I am!"

"Ha ha ha..." Qin Dong couldn't help but burst into laughter, and he liked him more and more.

"Laughter! If you can die in the three districts, it will be liberation for me, and you will be tortured by the province, you are a madman!"

"Do not worry! I will not die, you will not die!" Qin Dong opened the road.

Where did Qian Fei believe, he snorted and snorted, "I don't die when I die, and it's not that you have the final say. Those who have the three districts have the final say."

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