The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1654: Two conditions! (1)

Qin Dong smashed his head and smiled. "It may be a gift. I don't know why.\"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http ://www>

"Genius? This talent is also too bully x?" Qin Dong voice just fell, Qian Fei exclaimed on the side.

Yan Yurou is also a shocked face, she is the first time she heard about this talent. And this talent, as exclaimed by Qian Fei, is not only a cow, but also against the sky. Let the middle and high-level spirit beasts such as the Dark-winged Dragons bow down to the ear, but the fate is that even the six-level monks such as Yan Yurou can't do it. Even if they are eight-level monks, it is estimated that they must be measured. You know, tame is ten times more difficult than killing a beast.

Look at Yan Yu's eyes and stunned eyes. Qin Dong has some smug words: "Jade Sister, you don't want to kill this dark-winged dragon, don't be so troublesome, I call it over and kill you!" ”

"This... can this be done?" Yan Yurou did not know how to describe his feelings. After a long while, he asked. [

Qin Dong smiled and said, "What can't you do? You wait, I will call it here!"

Just when Yan Yu and Qian Qianfei Wu Tian were suspicious, Qin Dong waved at the dark wing dragon and shouted, "You, come over!"

The dark wing dragon is standing not far away, Qin Dong and Yan Yurou's dialogue, it is also a word to listen to, Qin Dong this beckoning, for it, is simply the call of death, where will you come over? The huge head is like a rattle, but the foot is not going forward, but it is a step back.

This made Qin Dong feel very faceless. At the same time, he looked at the power of the tenth-level monk in a pair of eyes and shot directly at it. The pressure of the tenth-level monk is like the Taishan that collapsed. Even the dark-winged dragon king can't stand it, let alone the dark-winged dragon in front of him, just reaching the level of young and old. Qin Dong’s blink of an eye almost didn’t let it go down on the spot.

"Listen to me, don't listen to my insurance, you can't live like death!" The fierce pressure, plus a drink, the dark wing dragon finally couldn't stand it, slammed his head, and weakened to Qin Donghe. Yan Yurou came over.

Seeing that the Dark Wing Xiaolong finally surrendered, Qian Fei couldn’t help but come to Qin Dong to come and look over it. He was full of doubts and whispered, "You don’t have a long horn on your body. Why is the Dark Wing Dragon so afraid? you?"

Yan Yu softly frowned, thoughtfully said, "Maybe because Xiaodong has such an imposing manner that the dark wing is jealous, it has to obey, even if it knows that it is dead."

"Ah? Is there such a momentum? What is the legendary Wang Baqi?" Qian Fei's eyes are more rounded.

Yan Yurou's realm is still shallow, the feeling is not really true, and there is no answer to Qian Fei's words, just shaking his head and shaking his head. When I look at Qin Dong, I feel that Qin Dong is like a layer of fog, which makes people not really cut, but it has infinite appeal, like a black hole, which can **** people in.

The dark-winged dragon with a hundred and twenty reluctances, step by step and honed to Yan Yurou's face, a pair of big eyes, pitifully screaming, which is clearly filled with pleading.

"Yurou sister, you don't have to be polite, do it!" Qin Dong pointed to the dark wing dragon and laughed.

Yan Yurou really needs to kill a dark-winged dragon, but now, the dark-winged dragon is standing in front of her, waiting for her to kill, but she can't get it. Especially when I saw the eyes of the Dark Wings, I couldn’t help myself.

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