The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1675: Go to the door to settle accounts! (2)

"Get out of the way!" Cai Dingjun, who was in a rage, didn't even give Tan Yang a chance to finish his words. Fiction list \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

Cai Dingjun's anger, Zhu Hexuan is understandable, but he will be rough when he comes, and it is still aimed at a younger generation, which makes Zhu Hexuan unhappy. The face was immediately sinking, and there was no good voice. "Cai Dingjun, did you eat gunpowder?"

"What **** gunpowder? Zhu Hexuan, if you don't give me an account today, I will dismantle your hidden show!" Cai Dingjun waved his hand and screamed.

Zhu Hexuan sneered, and confusedly asked, "What do you want me to give you?"

Cai Dingjun is even more angry and arrogant. "What kind of confusion do you have? My brother, Cai Dingshan, has been repaired for decades, and it has been completely destroyed. Do you need to explain it?"

Zhu Hexuan made a look of ignorance and smiled. "Oh~~~ You came for Cai Dingshan."

"Crap!" Cai Dingjun burst.

Zhu Hexuan’s face suddenly chilled, and Shen Sheng’s “The person who abolished Cai Dingshan was not me. Did I confess to you?”

"You... how can you say this? Isn't my brother not in your hidden show?" Cai Ding's eyes were red.

Zhu Hexuan is more and more windy and light, and swears that "Cai Dingshan was indeed abolished by me, but you have to figure out, I have never asked him to come to my hidden show?"

"You..." Zhu Hexuan played a rogue, but also has a good eye, Cai Ding's more and more embarrassing.

In the face of Cai Dingjun’s anger, Zhu Hexuan did not care. He continued to say, “It’s that you are a brother, and it’s too careless. Even your own brothers can’t see it. Where are you, are you? ”

"Can you say that my brother's business has nothing to do with you?" Cai Dingjun asked sharply.

Zhu Hexuan frowned. "In order to protect my brother, I have done my best, and I have almost been hurt. I have done my best in any case."

"A good one is righteous! Zhu Hexuan, you say so, what is your conscience? Even if my brother's temper is a bit irritating, he is somewhat arrogant, but he and you are the same door? My brother became a waste, but you are unscathed, this alone You don't deserve to be perfect!"

"Ha! It’s a joke! If the younger brother died in my hidden show, wouldn’t it be that Zhu Hexuan would still be buried with him? Hey! The younger brother was ruined, and he could only blame the younger brother for not knowing what to do, no wonder others!" When it comes to this part, Zhu Hexuan doesn't care. If you want to tear your face, then tear it thoroughly.

"Good! Zhu Hexuan, your words today, I will not forget Cai Dingjun for a lifetime." Cai Dingjun was stunned three times, and his face rose like a ripe tomato.

Zhu Hexuan snorted, and it doesn't matter. "My Zhu Hexuan has no worries!"

"Enough! I am coming today, not with you! What is the person who hurts my brother, you hand him over to me!" Cai Dingjun was almost angered at the moment, and his eyes were almost broken. Because of extreme anger and congestion, a redness.

Zhu Hexuan shook his head and said, "The person who has hurt the younger brother has already left. Where can I give it to you?"

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