The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1676: Very satisfied! (2)

The situation on the scene was arrogant, and Tan Yang’s nervous breathing even blocked. Look at the entertainment map on \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://tu>

Qin Dong is also frowning at this time, and his heart is in trouble. There is no cover around here. It is impossible to trust a passerby without being discovered by others. But if it is true, Qin Dong can't manage that much.

Seeing that the situation is going to get out of control, a figure, rushing in, and whispering in the mouth, "Master, not good!"

When Cai Dingjun looked back, his face suddenly changed. The coming man was his disciple. He hurriedly greeted him and asked, "What happened?"

The disciple of Cai Dingjun was very gasping. "Master, after the second division woke up, they found their own situation, crying and annoyed, and screaming to commit suicide. Everyone is struggling to discourage, but the second division is not listening, you are still hurrying. Go back and see."[

"Waste! All are waste!" Cai Dingjun screamed and turned his head to Zhu Hexuan, who was looking at the knife. He said, "Zhu Hexuan, this is not finished! You refused to hand over this gimmick, I will tell the lord." There, see when you can protect her!"

Zhu Hexuan’s eyebrows are picking up, Shen Sheng’s “As you change, I will continue!”

"Hey!" Cai Dingjun glanced at Yan Yurou with a disgusting look, and he turned away.

"Master, Cai Dingjun said that we have to do it, we have to prepare for it." Tan Yang said with a frown.

Zhu Hexuan spit a long sigh, and he said, "Let the teacher know, rest assured!"

Zhu Hexuan said so on his mouth, but he could not look at it with ease. Yan Yurou is in the eyes, sad in the heart, added so much trouble for Zhu Hexuan, it is not her wish.

Zhu Hexuan turned his head and looked at Yan Yuru’s silent silence. He knew what was in her mind, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile, “Okay! Your master, I am not afraid of things, no big deal. But these days, you Just stay in the hidden show, don't go anywhere. I am worried that Cai Dingjun will be in a hurry and will play with Yin."

For Zhu Hexuan's performance, Qin Dong was quite satisfied. The bad impressions of his previous ones have been reduced a lot. Said, "Master, don't worry, I will take care of Jade."

Zhu Hexuan couldn't help but smile. "You? You are a three-level monk, how to protect Yurou? But then, if you can contact the brother, you may wish to say hello to him. In case, Cai Dingjun will Things are going to help the Lord, things are only very complicated, and everything can be done. If it is absolutely necessary, I can see that Jade is handed over to the road brother, so there is no way for Cai Dingjun."

This is naturally no problem, Qin Dong readily accepted.

Zhu Hexuan waved his hand and said, "You all go back. From today, Xiaodong lives with Tan Yang. Tan Yang, you have to take care of Xiaodong, what he does not understand in cultivation. You have to be careful. When I recover, I will teach you personally."

Zhu Hexuan gave a few words and turned back to the room.

Yan Yurou has now been promoted to become a disciple of the room. According to the tradition of the hidden show, a separate courtyard has been cleaned and she lives. I don't know if Tan Yang's intention is arranged. Yan Yurou's residence is next door to Tan Yang. After saying goodbye to Zhu Hexuan, Yan Yurou did not rush back. Instead, he followed Qin Dong and Tan Yang and came to Tan Yang's residence...

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