The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1678: Kun Palace! (2)

At this time in the magnificent, majestic domineering hall, a middle-aged lady, dressed in gorgeous and magnificent, graceful and elegant sitting on the phoenix chair. Bai Xiaosheng's novel network www>

Beside her, she stood a woman with a slightly slim body and a shape like a singer, and her face was like a small family jasper. She wore a pure black dress, which made her look mysterious. People can't easily get close. This woman, who usually lives in the Kun Palace, rarely shows up, so in addition to Wan Peng's high-level, other people rarely recognize her, but Wan Peng's seniors are very jealous of her. I dare not offend. Because they all know that Shiqing’s extra trust in this woman is like a biological daughter, no, even more than her own daughter. Because there was more than one time, Shi Qingqing was fighting for this woman, and he was blaming Feng Ming.

The status of Cao Xiaoxian is almost exclusively in Fuyanshan and Shiqing, and even above the four elders.

Under the high steps, there are four other women standing in the spring, and each has its own beauty. As the four prostitutes who are close to the Qing Dynasty, the four shadows of the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are also extremely high in Wanpeng.

However, when I saw it, the four shadows were very respectful to Cao Xiaoxian, and even there was a three-point fear. [

When he was sitting on a phoenix chair, he did not often open his mouth. It was generally announced by Cao Xiaoxian. It is as if Cao Xiaoxian is a locust in her stomach, and her thoughts are always clear.

"Where are the four immortals who have prepared for you, are you ready?" Cao Xiaoxian opened his mouth, and the four shadows almost simultaneously showed a tense color.

Spring Shadow hurried forward and stepped forward, and replied with a voice, "All are ready."

"Good! Tomorrow, these four cents will be sent to the four major hospitals." Cao Xiaoxian's cold voice always makes people feel a chill in their hearts.

"Yes! But Cao Sister, Spring Shadow has something to know."


Chun Ying took a deep breath and seemed to be strong and courageous. This said, "The fairy grasses sent to the four major hospitals are all collected by the ladies and Cao girls. I really need to give it to the four major hospitals in vain. Even if the lady wants to show her concern for the four major hospitals, she does not need regular distribution. I believe the four elders are already grateful."

The other three shadows nodded, apparently this is their common question.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered a sneer, saying, "Do you think that if the wife does this, is she applying some small favors and cheering people?"

"Don't dare!" Seeing Cao Xiaoxian sneer, the four shadows were shocked at the same time, and they brushed down.

Cao Xiaoxian Fengmu ring sweeps a circle, the faint road "If you really think so, it is too underestimated to the lady's mind. The lady is doing this, is to help them quickly improve their cultivation, to deal with the magical orcs. Invasion."

"It turns out that our minds can be worthy of the lady?" Chunyue said with a busy trembling voice.

Cao Xiaoxian snorted and shouted, "Don't think about what you shouldn't think about in the future. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, do you understand?"

"Yes!" The four shadows were in unison.

Cao Xiaoxian saw the four-figure surrender, and his eyes flashed a chill of self-satisfaction. He asked, "And, let me pay more attention to the situation of the lord. What news can you give back?"

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