The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1679: Awkward red light! (2)

"This gimmick is getting worse and worse. I don't think anyone except her lady and Cao girl. \"target=\"_blank\"class =\"linkcontent\">http://www>

Spring Shadow still smiles and shakes her head, but she does not speak. Her mood at this time is really not good.

Among the four shadows, the most gentle and most understanding should be the autumn shadow. When I saw the spring shadow, the eyebrows were not tight, and my face looked sad and hurriedly came forward, pulling the hand of Chunying, softly. Spring Shadow Girl, what's wrong with you? Since you came back from the Miaodong people, it is a kind of mentality. If there is anything troublesome, you can say it, let's find a solution together."

Chun Ying shook her head, not that she didn't want to say it. It was something. She still had some embarrassment, even if she wanted to say it, she couldn't talk about it.

"Spring sister, since you are in a bad mood, why don't we go to Wusheng Valley to distract ourselves? Anyway, we haven't gone for a long time." Xia Ying got together, stretched out his arms, and held the spring shadow and the autumn shadow together. , laughed. [

The autumn shadow gave her a look, saying: "You are the most greedy, this is the most fun! This time, I still took the spring film sister as a scorpion, and it really should be a solid pain."

Xia Ying's face is the thickest, and he doesn't blush at all. Instead, he smiles and says: "I really want to be a spring movie girl."

"Go and go! Like Xia Ying said, distracted heart!" Qiu Ying was also prepared to say that Xia Ying has a pass, but Chun Ying suddenly said.

Since Chun Ying has promised, Qiu Ying will not say anything more, just happy Xia Ying, and jump and jump, like a gimmick who did not grow up.

"Let me go!" The three men agreed to start, and there was a sudden roar from behind them.

Spring Shadow jumped like an electric shock. "It’s the voice of the lady!" The voice has not fallen, and the Spring Shadow Man has jumped into the screen and ran straight inside. Xia Ying and Qiu Ying looked at each other and hurriedly followed up.

Chun Ying has always despised the time when he was a mother, and he was the most respectful. At this time, when he heard the anger of Qing, he was naturally anxious. All the way to fly, in the twinkling of an eye, it was time to go to the bed of Qing Dynasty, and he could not hesitate. At the time of the Qing Dynasty’s bedroom, the four shadows were free to enter and exit. However, since Cao Xiaoxian’s arrival, Shi Qingyu set a very strict rule. Without her order, no one should be close to the dormitory, including four. Shadow.

Just when Chunying was hesitating, an unusually violent violent violent violent violent sensation made Spring Shadow feel like a terrible breath falling from the abyss. With a red light, suddenly spread out from the bedroom, let the spring shadows stun and the legs soft. I almost didn't sit on the ground.

"Spring Ying sister, this is..." Xia Ying and Qiu Ying, who came later, also felt this terrible breath, and the faces of the two women showed a faint color at the same time.

"Don't come over!" Although I don't know what the red light is, from there, Chunying smelled the extreme danger, and hurriedly screamed, and the tone changed a little.

However, before the snoring of the spring shadow disappeared, the red light disappeared, and the terrible breath that accompanied the red light also converges, like a cloud of smoke swept away by the wind, leaving nothing behind. Traces, let Chunyan feel that what I feel is not true, but just a dream of nothingness.

"Who is outside?" Just when Chun Ying was stunned, the cold voice of Cao Xiaoxian was heard in the bedroom.

Chun Ying shuddered and tried to suppress the vibration of his heart. He said, "There are spring shadows, summer shadows and autumn shadows, and I want to meet my wife."

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