The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1687: Face! (1)

There is Yulin standing on the side, and Liu Shunzi will certainly not put Qin Dong in his eyes. He smiles coldly and says, "You said it is good! If you change it to me, you will not make such a low-level mistake!" Say it to Yulin, the road "Yu Gongzi, this kid still has a bit of skill, I am injured now, no one in my men is his opponent, saying that you must not let the son of you personally. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

According to Yulin’s character, he will never be with Liu Shunzi. The millennial snow ginseng is very important to him. It is related to whether he can break through the seven-level bottleneck in the shortest time, so he has to work with Liu. Straight cooperation.

Wen Yan frowned and turned his eyes to Qin Dong. Shen Sheng said: "I and you have no enmity, do not want to embarrass you, say the whereabouts of Qian Fei, I will let you go!"

Qin Dong smiled slightly and said, "If I don't say it?"

"If you don't say, just take your bones off and see if you are still a cow!" Liu Shunzi hated Qin Dong and screamed. [

"Ha! Who is so bold, dare to dismantle the bones of my brother?" Tan Yang rubbed his ears, his face with a smile and smile, and came over.

"Tan Yang?" Yulin's face was slightly relieved.

Tan Yangchong smiled and said, "Yu Lin, I haven’t seen it for a while, and it seems that your cultivation is progressing."

Yulin nodded lightly and said, "You are the same."

"Tan... Tan Gongzi, how are you? Small is hurt, it is inconvenient to salute, but also hope..."

In the face of Tan Yang, Liu Shunzi did not dare to be proud, and said respectfully, but before he finished talking, Tan Yang waved his hand, a faint saying "No need, a person who is about to die, This son will not be so harsh."

"What...what?" Liu Shunzi was almost shocked by the words of Tan Yang and did not come out of the eyes of the blind man. Stuttering, "Tan Gongzi, you... what do you mean?"

Tan Yang sneered aloud, too lazy to explain with Liu Shunzi, take a look at it, see King Kong still being there, the eyebrows are cold, the right hand looks like a casual wave, a breeze blows, that will hold the King Kong The two black water help disciples, suddenly hit a heavy blow, while the mouth sprayed blood out of more than ten feet, life and death is unknown.

"Tan Yang, you..." Yulin did not expect Tan Yang to suddenly shoot, but did not think that Tan Yangyi shot, so hot, not to be surprised.

Not to mention Liu Shunzi, the whole person seems to have been stuck with a spell, and the mouth of the mouth can plug an egg.

Tan Yang looked at Yulin and smiled. "Yu Lin, if someone is yelling to be unfavorable to your younger brother, what will happen to you?"

Yulin did not hesitate to say, "Nature is killing innocents! But... Where are you coming from?"

Tan Yang laughed and pointed to Qin Dong. "Let me come and let me introduce you to you. This is my younger brother. It is the disciple of my master who just entered the room - Qin Dong."

"What!? You said that he is a disciple of Zhu’s elders?" Yulin was shocked and looked up at Qin Dong with an incredulous look up and down.

Tan Yang nodded and said, "Master has not had time to announce it. No wonder you don't know."

"How...what would it be?" Yulin was surprised. Liu Shunzi was different. It was like a thunder. For a moment, a face turned into a dead gray. He Liu Shunzi, something that even offended Zhu Hexuan’s disciple, where will he still have a living path?

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