The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1688: Tit-forward! (2)

Yulin is not afraid of Tan Yang, but he also knows that Qin Dong’s identity is unusual. Therefore, Qin Dong was not used as an attack target. He only intended to defeat the palm of the Qin Dynasty and rescue the Liushun. The men, the second one, let Qin Dong know that he knows how to be good and can respect himself. Passionate and violent picture meal \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://tu>

In the heart, this thought was turned, and Lin Lin’s palms came out together. One type of ‘Shuanglong went out to sea, and the tyrants squatted,’, also took out more than ten hands, aiming at the palm of Qin Dong’s palm and rushing away. Yulin’s confidence is full of thoughts. Although this trick can not hurt Qin Dong, it can definitely make him feel shocked and never dare to be so rude and even fear him.

However, the facts gave Yulin a good start. Although he took out more than ten hands, although he accurately grasped the wave of the Chaoshan palm, but in the moment when the two sides collided with each other, Qin Dong’s palm shadow did not know why, but he changed his direction at the same time.

This made Yulin simply unable to believe his own eyes, as if he had seen a ghost. All this was beyond his expectation. He looked horrified and shouted "How could this be?"

"Good boy!" Tan Yang also made a surprise at this time, and his heart rushed to Qin Dong straight thumbs. [

Obviously, Qin Dong expected Yulin to intervene before he took the shot, so he left his backhand in the morning. Qin Dong’s heart is sure to make Tan Yang admire, but what makes him marvel is Qin Dong’s extraordinary control over spiritual power.

Although this spiritual power is not like the water that is poured out, it is very difficult to control the spiritual power once it is sacrificed from the body. And like Qin Dong, there will be more than ten hands, and the control is so precise and changeable, such as the arm and the finger, it is not simple. Moreover, this kind of control power is definitely beyond the scope of a three-level monk's ability. Even if it is Tan Yang, he will not be able to make a ticket.

Yulin’s palm strength was wrongly opened at the same time, and it was hit in the air. At the same time, Qin Dong’s power was not delayed for a while. After avoiding Yulin’s palm, he re-locked the target. A burst of screaming noise came, Liu Shunzi's men, almost at the same time, the screams resounded through the clouds.

Qin Dong really took the opportunity to kill the machine, and all the recruits, all fractured fractures, even if it can save a small life, it is doomed to be disabled for a lifetime.

"You..." The face was a little big, and Yulin was a little blushed. I am obviously a repair of the seven-level peak, but even the tricks of a third-level monk can't be intercepted. If it is passed out, then it is not laughed at by the big teeth?

"Oh... Yulin, are you okay?" Tan Yang smiled and walked over. The words that were said were apparently expressing his concern for Yulin, which was actually ridicule. A seven-level monk is the last three-level monk. If you have anything to do, you should ask the third-level monk.

"The disciple of Zhu’s elders is really powerful!” Yu Lin almost gnashed his teeth and spit out such a sentence.

"Ha ha ha ... won the prize. Brother, ah, Qin Dong is young, not sensible, you don't want to know him. Even if you look at my face, I can't do it?"

"What about my thousand snow ginseng?" asked Lin Yang's stunned Tan Yang.

"What millennium snow ginseng?" Tan Yang looked confused.

Yulin wanted to say this all out, but he could think about it. The money that he had stolen from the millennial snow ginseng from him was just a first-class monk who had just broken through the congenital scorpion. If you let Tan Yang know, I’m afraid I have to laugh at the big teeth. Then he snorted and shouted, "In short, I must find Qian Fei! Nobody wants to stop me!"

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