The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1690: Helpless and powerless! (1)

"Bad boy, how do you be so stupid, life-saving!" Seeing Qin Dong's "persistence", Tan Yang's almost did not turn his back, and mad like a martyr. One second to remember [百晓生小说网]www>

Can be allowed to rely on Tan Yang to break the scorpion here, Qin Dong is still doing his own way, full of spiritual power, locking the six straight, quite a deadly regret.

"Damn!" Yulin was furious, slammed his teeth, and his body shape was three points faster. The palm of the hand was like a meteor to catch up with the moon. In a flash, it crossed the space-time distance and appeared in a place that was less than a punch from Qindong.

Tan Yang’s eagerness shook his head and whispered. “It’s over, this is really over...

Yan Yurou could not stand it, and the tears of urgency all flowed down. [

Liu Shunzi was originally a face of fear and horror. At this time, he showed a sly smile. His body could not move, but his eyes were not stunned, and it was still very good. At a glance, it was judged that Yulin must be It was possible to hit Qin Dong before Qin Dong hit him. After all, Yu Lin was only a punch away from Qin Dong, but Qin Dong was still a few steps away from him.

However, when the heart of Liu Shunzi was about to fall back to his stomach, the scene that made him die and could not believe it happened. I saw that Qin Dong’s figure did not know how to shake it, and then disappeared from his eyes. This extremely unscientific scene made Liu Shunzi almost didn't bite his tongue.

Keeping an eye on Qinlin, who was not in the middle of Qindong, he could not help but exclaimed, and his face was full of layers of gloom. It is clear that Qin Dong is in front of his own eyes. How can it disappear after a blink of an eye? Resist the resentment caused by the palms of the palms, and Yulin rushed to sweep around, just to the shape of Qin Dong, ghostly reappearing in the air.

Yulin immediately slammed, this time the whole body's strength was exerted, and the rumbling shot of a palm, but in the moment when the palm of the hand is about to hit Qindong, the same situation reappears, Qin Dong is strange again. It disappeared, and when Qin Dong’s figure once again appeared, it was outside the scope of his power.

This kind of god's body, Yulin was the first time he saw it, and he couldn't help but pick up the waves. He was surprised to turn his head and look at Tan Yang. In the impression, he never heard of it. Zhu Hexuan was born like this. Kind of school.

This look, Yu Lin only found that Tan Yang's expression at this time is ten times more exciting than him. The whole person stared at Qin Dong, as if it was petrified, and did not move, nor shouted. The stock was shocked and fully explained that Qin Dong’s bodywork was not only not seen, but he had never even seen it.

Is this kind of body, Zhu Hexuan only taught him alone? Yulin’s heart was suspicious, but he didn’t have time to study it. Because Qin Dong got rid of his power, he didn’t stop for a while and continued to force Liu Shunzi.

After seeing the different methods of Qin Dong, Liu Shunzi can no longer laugh, like a pig-like scream, "Song Gongzi save me, save me!"

"Shut up!" Yulin did not have a slight affection for Liu Shunzi. Instead, he was full of disgust, but it was related to his reputation. He could not help but save him. His heart was like swallowing flies.

"It's no wonder that this kid dares to be so arrogant. It turned out to be a scholastic!" Yulin completely put away the contempt for Qin Dong, and his body shape was soared to the air, and the whole body's spiritual power was simultaneously mobilized. Palm.

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