The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1694: The difference is really big! (1)

The identity of He Zong is not simple. It is one of the four elders of Wan Peng, and the chief disciple of Chen Chang, the owner of the house. One second to remember [百晓生小说网]www>

"Heart boy, are you okay?" He Zong asked with concern.

Du Xintong looked at He Zong, and for a time he had forgotten the fear. Even the dark-winged dragon who was watching the side seemed to be nothing. She nodded shyly and whispered "Nothing."

Seeing that Du Xintong is really okay, He Zong just let go of his heart and turned his head to look at the iron. "Tie Shu, how did you get rid of this dark wing dragon?"

The iron-clad stunned Zhao Xipin, who stood far away, angered that "it is not because someone is not self-reliant, do you have to be able to?"

Zhao Xipin originally wanted to turn around and escape, but after seeing He Zong came, the dark wing dragon seemed to be jealous, did not renew power, just watched them with vigilance and took a defensive posture, which made him feel a little Ann. Seeing He Zong and Du Xintong, you are not willing to leave.

"He Zong, you don't need you here, you can go!" Zhao Xipin took two wolf-stricken bodyguards and walked over quickly. A mouth was greeted to pick up people.

He Zong brows slightly wrinkled, and the eyebrows are full of disgust, just a cold cold stunned Zhao Xipin, even the words are too lazy to say more to him.

Iron-clad did not have such a good temper, and immediately yelled, "I am surnamed Zhao, have you already escaped, and what are you doing?"

Although Zhao Xipin is guilty, he is not willing to admit it. Hehe smiled. "I don't know how to misunderstand. I don't have to escape. How can I put her in danger and escape?"

"Hey! Who uses you to love?" Du Xintong had no good impression on Zhao Xipin. At this time, he was even more disgusted, and immediately screamed.

"Heart, you really misunderstood me, I..."

"I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen, you don't need to explain it to me!" The boy stunned his ears in disgust.

"Heart boy..." Zhao Xipin refused, still have to say, Hezong eyebrows pick one, and suddenly shouted "Enough! You did not hear the heart boy? Immediately give me a roll!"

"Ha! He Zong, who do you think you are, why do you yell at me?" Zhao Xipin's most incomprehensible is Du Xintong's expression of admiration in front of He Zong, who has long regarded He Zong as the biggest Love rivals, hate the roots of the teeth.

He Zong snorted coldly and put a long sword in his hand. The tip of the sword pointed to the throat of Zhao Xipin. Zhao Xipin was shocked, and the whole person was stunned. Instinctively hid behind his two bodyguards, the kind of squatting, and the iron man shook his head. Zhao Xipin’s father, Zhao Weihu, is also a personal thing. How did he give birth to such a timid son? It seems that Zhao’s family is destined to fall in the future.

"Is it enough with this sword in my hand?"

With Zhao Xipin as a foil, He Zong’s spirit is even more revealing. The two phases are like a cloud. Just let the iron dry heart wonder, are almost the same age, how can Zhao Xipin even the toes of He Zong can not match?

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