The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1699: Going online! (1)

Yulin waved his hand and prevented Tiegan from continuing to argue with Qin Dong. Although he only met with Qin Dong, he still saw it. Qin Dong is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Recommended [百晓生小说网]:\"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

Yulin turned his attention to Tan Yang, Shen Sheng, "Tan Yang, let's talk about it! This dark wing is clearly discovered by us. You should not shamelessly deny this fact?"

Tan Yang coughed, and the faint road "Hey brother, it doesn't matter, this spirit beast is really our..."

"Tan Yang!" Yu Lin waited for Tan Yang to finish talking, and he screamed in anger. "When did you become so shameless? You even squinted and said something!"

Yulin actually believes in Tan Yang’s character, so he will be in theory with him, but he never thought that it would be the result. It’s simply naked and robbing them of the fruits of victory, and even more shameless than this. Is it? [

He Zong was even more angry and filled with indignation. The fighting power of the Dark Wings and Dragons was almost exhausted by them. The problem of leaving only the time left was that Tan Yang jumped out at this time and made it clear that he was not good. Immediately shouted, "Oh brother, I don't think I have to talk nonsense with them, let's do it!"

Tan Yang saw He Zong erected Jianfeng and said, "Hey brother, brother, please ask for anger, listen to me. This dark wing dragon is my sister's pet."

"What do you say?" Tan Yang’s words were exported, and Yulin and Hezong exclaimed together, and the look would be doubtful.

"You lie, you must be lying! Yan Yurou's cultivation is still not my brother, how can you conquer the dark wing dragon?" Du Xintong shouted.

Qin Dong gave her a look, the cold road "concealed the dark wing dragon, not only need to repair, but also need character! My sister's character is a thousand times ten thousand times better than you, can conquer the dark wing dragon What is so strange to be a pet?"

"You... you are nonsense!"

Qin Dong snorted and was full of disdain. "You have a yellow-haired girl who knows a fart and is too lazy to tell you more!"

"I... I killed you!"

Qin Dong shook his head and looked helpless. "If you say no one, you will kill someone. It seems to be a stinky head that has been spoiled!"

"Enough! Qin Dong, don't think that there are Zhu Elders supporting you, you can talk nonsense, don't put others in your eyes!" See Du Xintong was reddded by Qin Dongqi's eyes, Yulin was annoyed , screamed at Qin Dong.

Drinking, Yulin looked at Tan Yang, Shen Sheng "You said that this dark wing dragon is Yan Yurou's pet, what is the certificate?"

Tan Yang turned to look at Yan Yurou, Yan Yurou gently nodded, and waved at the dark wing Xiaolong. The dark-winged dragon, who was sitting next to him, did not hesitate, and immediately raised his wings and flew to the side of Yan Yurou. While using his big head to keep licking Yan Yurou, while making a creaking sound from time to time in his mouth, it looks like a child who has been bullied outside, complaining in his mother's arms. This situation is really close to the stupid eyes of Yulin, Hezong, Du Xintong and Tiegan, and they will not return to God for a long time.

Qin Dong proudly glanced at them and asked Yan Yurou, "Jade Sister, do you look at the weight of the dark wing?"

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