The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1705: Humming! (1)

Yulin smiled and said, "Do you think that the tiger leopard is a snow fox? If you want to see it, you have to pay the price. Just because of your cultivation, I am afraid that even the tiger leopard is not enough. Here."

Du Xintong’s disappointment refers to Qin Dong, “He’s repairing is similar to me, why is he not staying?”

Yulin looked at Tan Yang and discussed the way, "Tan brother, it is better to let Qin Shidi stay, it is always safer than the peak."

When the voice of Yulin did not fall, Tan Yang shook his head and said, "How is that going? If Xiaodong doesn't go up with us, we don't feed the tiger leopard together!"

Yulin asked with amazement and said, "Tan Xiong, what do you mean by this?"

Tan Yang smiled bitterly. "It doesn't matter if you can subdue the tiger leopard. You have to look at Xiaodong. He is the main force!"

"Ah!?" Yulin, Hezong, and Tiegan were first confronted with each other, and then they turned their eyes full of surprise and confusion to Qindong.

Tan Yang ignored the three people's surprised look and said, "And staying here is not necessarily safe. You know, here are the four districts, and the high spirits are likely to appear at any time. I think we all work together and be safer."

"The words are good, but the heart is her..." Du Xintong's breathing has not yet breathed, but the strength has been exhausted.

Qindong Zhangkou Road "Dark wing dragon can ride, let her ride the dark wing dragon up the mountain!"

“Is it really ok?” Du Xintong has not completely taken off the fun of the heart, and a pair of beautiful eyes slid brightly.

Yan Yurou now has no doubts about Qin Dong’s words, and now he will call the dark wing dragon. Although the dark wing Xiaolong slightly contradicted, but under the comfort of Yan Yurou, he was still stupid, and Du Xintong was greeted on the back. Sitting on the thick and wide back of the dark-winged dragon, Du Xintong is like a child, happy and keeps cheering.

"Yurou sister, you go up too!" Qin Dong said to Yan Yurou.

Yan Yurou gently shakes the dagger "No! My repair is higher than you, or you can sit up."

Qin Dong haha's smile "Yurou sister, what are you polite with me? Although my repair is not as good as you, but I am a man, the strength is bigger than you, climbing this little mountain, it is not too hard "Fearing that Yan Yurou continued to push with himself, and the voice fell, Qin Dong was the first to rush to the summit.

Yan Yurou even shouted a few times in the back, Qin Dong refused to stop. Tan Yang smiled and said to Yan Yu Judao, "You haven't know the skill of Xiaodong. You can't help him with this mountain."

Yulin couldn't help but insert a sentence, "Tan Xiong, your little teacher, really only has a three-level situation, how he feels for me, it seems that it is not weaker than me."

Tan Yangman was surprised to see Yulin, and asked "Yu brother, do you feel this way?"

Yulin nodded solemnly and said, "Yes! And this feeling is becoming more and more intense!"


Under the leadership of Yan Yurou, the group went straight to the summit.

At first, all the way was smooth, and everyone did not encounter any obstacles, and the speed of travel was extremely fast. However, when everyone came to a place where only one-third of the distance from the summit was left, a scream of turbulence suddenly came, and even the earth under the feet of everyone was shaken.

The power condensed in this arrogance made Tan Yang, Yu Lin, He Zong, and Tie Gan all discolored, and his face was full of horror. The dark-winged dragon that was flying in the air to the summit was like a giant arrow shot. It was a sigh of sorrow and fell directly from the sky to the ground. Fortunately, Yan Yuru reacted very quickly and copied it in time. Du Xintong, flying up and pulling up, this was not killed by alive.

The dark-winged dragon seemed to be scared. After landing, he fell on the ground. The huge figure shivered, and even the power to stand up was gone. In the eyes of Yulin and others, the dark-winged dragon is already a rare pet. However, in this arrogance, it is as scary as it is, and it is so fascinating to show the spirit of this singer. [

Among the people, Du Xintong’s cultivation was the weakest. At this time, a flowering capacity was already pale, and there was no trace of blood.

"This snoring is..." Yu Lin Gu could not comfort Du Xintong, full of shocked look up to Yan Yurou.

Yan Yurou's eyebrows are tight, and his face is tense. He nods. "This is the snoring of the tiger leopard. It is only that we have already discovered us."

"No? We are still some distance from the summit. How can the tiger leopard find us so soon?" asked Tiegan.

Tan Yang’s bitter way of saying “to the level of the tiger leopard, the agility has reached the point where ordinary people can’t imagine. It’s not surprising to find us in advance.”

Tan Yang had only been happy before, and almost ignored the terrible tiger leopard. At this time, I heard the snoring of the tiger leopard, and then I thought about it. He could hardly hope for the uniform of the tiger leopard. The only thing I thought about at this time was to leave this place alive.

"Since it is necessary to subdue the tiger leopard, it must face it face-to-face. It was discovered earlier, and it was found that there was no difference between it and later." At this time, the only thing that remained calm and rational was the Qin. east.

His calm and free tone made everyone nervous and even fearful, and he got quite relieved. Yulin asked both admiration and doubts. "Qin Shidi, are you not afraid at all?"

Qin Dong smiled and said, "We are going to subdue the tiger leopard today. If you are afraid, what uniform?"

When everyone was secretly applauding for this heroic spirit of Qin Dong, a gust of wind swept from the peak, which was mixed with a horrifying horror, Du Xintong could not resist, sitting directly in the **** On the ground, Yulin, Tan Yang, He Zong, Tiegan, and Yan Yurou were also uncomfortable, and their faces changed.

"It seems that the beast is coming over to us!" Qin Dongjian raised his eyebrows and gave a low drink.

"That... what do you do?" Tan Yang and Yu Lin asked almost in unison. These two people are usually very self-reliant, very people with ideas, can go to this section of the bones, full of helplessness, can only look at Qin Dong.

"You stay here first, I will go and see!" Qin Dong snorted and pulled his legs to the summit.

"I rely on! Is this kid who is courageous, or crazy?" Yulin couldn’t help but screamed and asked.

Tan Yang now admires Qin Dong as a bodhisattva, so bold, how many people in the world can compare? Tan Yang only thought that Qin Dong evil door children, at this time only discovered that Qin Dong is not only evil, the body of the spirit, not even his ability.

"I still want to do something, is it true that the kid and the tiger leopard singled out?" Tan Yang blinked his eyes, and he rushed to the top of the peak without hesitation.

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